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i getting sick after i watch this video. :(

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9 years ago
no, nothing scary here. just a food sequence in samsara. the great movie about spiritual on us humans.

when i see it. the animals died for nothing in factory. i feel so bad for them, it us who tainted life on earth by our numbers. we should not overpopulated ourself.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
+0 / -0
9 years ago
IDrankhellatze just called you a murder @[ffc]killer and I have to agree with them.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
"This video has been blocked in your country due to copyright" yada yada yada...
I'm getting sick of algorithms deciding what I shouldn't (or should) watch...
+5 / -0
There's many different addons for various browsers that allow you to circumvent this sort of censorship (is this the right word?).

I also found two services that look like they allow you to watch yt videos or visit other websites (if I understand it right) via proxy. Just copypaste youtube links into the input boxes found on one of the sites and press a button.

+1 / -0
9 years ago
This is a cruel metod of farming there are mutch bether ways , ecofarming and humane ways off treating animals , but the dont wory abouth overpopulation becauze its an myth and our numbers are not the cause off inhumane farming big profit is .

my english sucks :)
+3 / -0

the animals died for nothing in factory

That's obviously not the case, they died so people could eat them.

I love meat (in fact I'm wearing this shirt as I type this), but factory farming is fucked. It's bad for animals and for humans.

There's a reason we morally object to that sinister looking chicken vacuum in the opening scene. We know that those chickens in that crowded holding cell did not live full chicken lives. They were born in a cage, fattened with corn, arsenic, and god knows what else, then dumped into that hopper waiting to be scooped up and shot down an assembly line. The result is an inhumane treatment of the animals, and meat that is made mostly of corn and "food byproducts".

I wish we could get back to small scale farming. Where chickens at least have a little fenced pen, and a coop, and real food, and maybe a rooster or two to keep them busy :)

We'd still be whole-sale slaughtering adorable chickens, but at least they'd be happy chickens, and we wouldn't be eating chickens that are mostly made of corn. Good luck changing the minds of those who pocket $8.4b per year on the chickens and their eggs in the US alone.

That chicken harvester would be great for
+1 / -0
9 years ago
there really is no need for humans to eat animals in this day and age. Its as neccessary as eating a dozen doughnuts.
+0 / -0
Thanks, Skasi, but I could probably have found these tools by myself... I'd rather find a way to fix the underlying issue. The Internet is based on decentralization, while services like YouTube are getting even more centralized, for some even becoming de facto monopolies...

As for overpopulation not being an issue... this recent article sums up the situation pretty well :
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Seen it before, who cares? I wish justice warriors on internet would keep their whining to themselves lol

if you think eating animals isn't a necessity you obviously don't know what you're missing, let me remind you:

+3 / -1

9 years ago
We'd still be whole-sale slaughtering adorable chickens

So that's what TheGBC does when not 1v1ing!
+4 / -0

9 years ago
"Justice warriors"?
+0 / -0
GBrank[Fx]Drone, none of that is appealing to me. And I love meat too, but that is more (chip) fat than meat.

And I can basically tell from looking that all of that is ridiculously salty.

Edit: That looks delicious USrankkaen!
+0 / -0
Too much meat for me, but I share the sentiment, Drone. This is now a meatporn thread?

+4 / -0

9 years ago
to the vegetarians out there: dont worry, its just sleeping.
+6 / -0
USrankkaen if animal husbandry would get back from industrial scale into small scale farming the prices and accesability of meat would just skyrocket (not mentioning connected industries that supply it). So that is not really an option.

GBrank[Fx]Drone it is not only a case of justice, being humane etc. The problem also lies in quality of the chicken meat :| it is hard to get hands on a decent quality chicken meat. But hey! Somehow other meat industry branches don't have this issue so why are the poor chickens so abused?
+0 / -0
I can say something for the agricultural point of view... but its best if i just place this here :

If som1 wants information about plants and stuff i can provide a bit of it :)

Just some short information : The horse helped in the development of our society and technological advancement( Incas and Americans didn't had horses before the colonizing of Europeans).(The horse helped a lot not only in war terms but providing agricultural means of developing crop and powering mills and stuff)
The potato helped our society grow faster ( in population terms) starting from 1700 (influencing a lot of things from that period of time)( the more of us the more development we had)
And many other things that will keep changing if i remember :)

Here is information for the hotdog lovers :D
+0 / -0

9 years ago
to the vegetarians out there: dont worry, its just sleeping.

In pieces. On several plates and in several mouths. Distributed over the course of a few days.

It's fine.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
actually i still loving eating meats, but i doesnot like how they kill the animals these days.

some of the factory bucher animal cruel, and giving them fate worse than death. that why their product sucks.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Now i'm stuck picturing a horrible monster, a dread Chicken Harvester that consumes robot wreckage to produce more of itself.

I can see it in 3d, textured, implemented, and uncannily animated.

With a sound when it munches on the broken bodies with its tentacled mouthparts.

I hate you guys.
+3 / -0
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