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Are ultimatums still worth the effort?

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11 months ago
Since the nerf I've seen them as less useful. It's hard to hit a screened strider and once exposed you will probably lose it. You basically need to wait for an opportunity for a strider/heavy unit/com to become too confident and come towards you unescorted to get your money's worth.

I think scorpions are a better alt. 2 or more of them can sneak up to a large target (eg a high level comm) and kill it (the stun preventing it escaping). Plus if your scorps are exposed you still have a chance to either continue or retreat, your beams easily killing small units that would take down an ult.

A group of scythes is also a good alt for ults, or cloacked snitches.
+1 / -0

11 months ago
Ultimatum still sucks imho.

Since the nerf it apparently does more damage but shoots significantly slower.

The upshot is that it has become combat-incapable and cannot engage units below strider size if outnumbered.

Striders, which it is supposed to counter, don't have much to fear from it. Scorps are invisible, Merlins out of range and the one unit which we really need it to beat, Paladin - it cant. Unless Ulti has absolutely ideal conditions and an unescorted Paladin blunders right into it, it generally simply dies to Pala. It gets one shot off at mediumish range which takes a big chunk out of the HP and then Paladin stuns it and kills it before the second shot goes off. That's the usual scenario and one of the reasons Paladin rush is still viable.

Ultimatum used to be a fearsome unit and one of the few counters to Cyclops spam. It used to be able to deal with shield balls and a 'pro' player could wreck havoc with it. Nowadays its a waste of metal, mostly.
+7 / -0
11 months ago
Perhaps a jump ability like in FW could help it?
+2 / -0

11 months ago
Ultimatum still sucks imho.

Since the nerf it apparently does more damage but shoots significantly slower.

The upshot is that it has become combat-incapable and cannot engage units below strider size if outnumbered.

Striders, which it is supposed to counter, don't have much to fear from it. Scorps are invisible, Merlins out of range and the one unit which we really need it to beat, Paladin - it cant. Unless Ulti has absolutely ideal conditions and an unescorted Paladin blunders right into it, it generally simply dies to Pala. It gets one shot off at mediumish range which takes a big chunk out of the HP and then Paladin stuns it and kills it before the second shot goes off. That's the usual scenario and one of the reasons Paladin rush is still viable.

Ultimatum used to be a fearsome unit and one of the few counters to Cyclops spam. It used to be able to deal with shield balls and a 'pro' player could wreck havoc with it. Nowadays its a waste of metal, mostly.

This is a good analysis, I'll probably try two scorps next time. They benefit by being able to be assault units too.
+1 / -0
how bout using scorp with ulti? stun then disruptor em

i think you may see ulti as a bad unit because its only brought out in desperate situations, when you cant opt for the safer alternative of your own pala etc. if ulti could consistently make cost or kill palas for 1/4 of the value it would be rather op no?
+2 / -0
Give its attack a powerful second effect such as slow, maybe some AOE on it.
+0 / -0
No, Ulti is not worth it.

The unescorted argument is bad because fleas exist.

Scorp escort is also bad cuz multistunner only 3 sec stun time.

Ulti op, Ulti fails where Lances and Fleas succed.
+0 / -0

11 months ago
Give it a jump, but jumping disables the attack for 5 seconds (5 extra seconds if currently reloading). Jumping also decloaks it.

Alternative: give it a short sprint (with the same penalties).
+1 / -0

11 months ago
The last time i rushed a paladin it got obliterated by an attack package comprised of:
- 4 charon
- 4 skuttle
- iris

An ulti costs 2500, this combo cost 3600, but one of them kills a paladin and the other doesn't.
+3 / -0

11 months ago
Maybe it's being nerfed in preparation for jump...

But seriously, I think I prefer the idea of Ulti than Ulti in practise. I like screening for striders, how it has an element of risk-reward based on how much is spent on the screen and how fast the strider tries to advance. Ulti in practise is quite swingy though.

I did not like how cost effective pre-nerf Ulti could be against heavy assaults. It only cost 2k and fired a bit faster, so one would easily make 2x cost if it ran into two Cyclops, or even a reasonable ball of Minotaur. The alternative to heavy assaults tends to be heavily screened artillery, which we can agree is already powerful enough. So I think the game is better off overall with heavy assaults not having such a devastating counter (although Ulti often will trade quite well).

Perhaps Utli could 2-shot Paladin though. It deals enough damage to 1-shot a Cyclops so further damage buffs will only affect striders. At the moment it deals 12k damage to Paladin and 16k to Det at max range. It deals 2k extra damage to each at less than max range. These weird damages are due to it dealing 2k damage for every frame it collides with a unit, so it collides for 6 frames against Paladin and 8 frames against Det, with an extra frame at the end if it is fired close enough for the projectile to not expire within the target.

Paladin has 32k health and Det has 86k. Raising Ulti damage to 3k-per-frame would give it 18k against Paladin and 24k vs Det (with potentially extra 3k). This would make it consistently 2-shot Paladin and 4-shot Det (down from 3-shot and 5-shot). That seems fine to me.
+4 / -0
I think the biggest issue with Ulti vs Paladin is that Paladin has an one-shot disable (via lightning gun stunlock) as well as a one-shot kill (tachyon) if it's off cooldown. It tends to kill Ulti faster than Ulti kills it.

Perhaps one of those things could be changed - either the pala tachylaser could be some other kind of weapon, or the maybe Scorpion can keep the stun and Pala can have something else on the main guns.
+1 / -0

11 months ago
Could make ulti's damage emp only, and give it a longer range with a small aoe.
+0 / -0

11 months ago
I like timing Ulti to shoot while the Paladin is busy.
+1 / -0

11 months ago
I did not like how cost effective pre-nerf Ulti could be against heavy assaults. It only cost 2k and fired a bit faster, so one would easily make 2x cost if it ran into two Cyclops, or even a reasonable ball of Minotaur. The alternative to heavy assaults tends to be heavily screened artillery, which we can agree is already powerful enough.


This would make it consistently 2-shot Paladin and 4-shot Det (down from 3-shot and 5-shot). That seems fine to me.

While you're tweaking a bit, that Detriment could use some help too.
+1 / -0
11 months ago
I find them quiet reasonable, but only if you kill the screen first. If you hit from behind it will sometimes get two shots off to kill a pally.

+0 / -0
11 months ago
I don't think damage needs to be increased, 3 shots to finish a pala is adequate - besides, paladin is usually slightly damaged anyways.
+1 / -0

11 months ago
I like timing Ulti to shoot while the Paladin is busy.

That can plausibly eliminate the tachyon OHK but not the zap guns. Removing the stun on main guns sounds like the choice of thing to ax, if any thing is to be axed.
+0 / -0
Give ulti's gun some short-lived EMP (3s?) on top of its current damage? Just enough to prevent the pala from recovering and blapping the ulti. Paladins can still do pretty well against an ulti as long as the person microing the pala is paying attention.. so adding EMP would re-inforce the need to have all-sides cover.
+0 / -0

11 months ago
Give ulti's gun some short-lived EMP (3s?) on top of its current damage?

The Ulti could use a bit more of a purpose, but I don't see that Pally actually needs to die any faster. Its hard enough going on the offensive as it is.
+1 / -0

11 months ago
hmmm. maybe play on "ultimatum" more and give it a single shot? But also cut its speed to a third and multiply its health by five.
+0 / -0
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