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I hate "criticism"

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41 days ago
I'm tired of gamers trying to discourage me from doing creative and important strats, like defending a base from a total bulldozer of an attack by placing a well-placed lucifer in the butt in the heat of the battle,
Or the times I'm being judged for doing a challenge and making multiple raiders from different factories,
Or the times I'm being judged for making dumb sassy remarks, or the times I do anything out of the ordinary that doesn't make me a better player but makes the game more fun for me.

This goes to the point that I don't want to play team battles anymore, unless this behavior will stop being encouraged.
This isn't a reconciliation post, this is a vent post.
+0 / -1
Give replay-links to these games.
+0 / -0
to me your post seems to be demanding cancel culture.

If theres been a violation of the CoC use rmb on the player name, Report, and state a reason after the battle or comment on the battle which creates a forum post where things can be sorted out.

If there hasnt been a CoC violation but you still feel wronged you can discuss things here by giveing a specific example same as unknownrankTheFlyingFortress is mentioning to get this conversation forward, CoC can be changed, since that didnt happen initially...

"This goes to the point that I don't want to play team battles anymore," - I wont even start elaborateing my opinion on all the things i think are wrong with that statement in order to keep this post at a resonable lengh. I will if asked for it.
+0 / -1

41 days ago

Please keep in mind to not harass any of the players in those matches, excluding myself. I don't wish them suffering.
+1 / -0

41 days ago
Also, no, I won't ask those players to be banned. If somebody does that, it will go against all my beliefs.
+0 / -0
41 days ago
but makes the game more fun for me.

Consider that (maybe) people that complain to you think you make the game less fun for them.

I don't think there is any solution for making two groups of players that want to play differently a game play together in the same team.

There might be other game modes that would be better suited for what you want (examples: noelo room, FFA, 1v1, different mod).

This does not mean "someone is right and the others are wrong". It's just that if someone wants to play basketball and someone else wants to play volley ball they can't play together...
+6 / -0

41 days ago
or the times I do anything out of the ordinary that doesn't make me a better player but makes the game more fun for me.

I know this is a vent post but this still shows that you're thinking about things backwards. It's not about what you can do for yourself, it's about what you can do for your team. That's why it's a team battle. If you want to play a game by yourself then don't play in teams. If you do play in a team, instead of considering what is fun for you, consider what is fun and productive for the entire team.

Another thing: if most of the criticism you are getting is for no good reason and people are just angry, it's much better to ignore it and move on. Getting angry in return just makes it worse for everyone. Now if you are actually being a burden to your team that's a different matter entirely.
+6 / -0
Get some self confidence!
Dont take all so serious!
Make some mental notes and thats it, dont let others dictate your... (life, playstyle etc..)

About your initial post:

"sassy remarks" - mining for salt can be suprisingly fun!
"lucifer" - try buried cerberus, high arc, wall in front, theres plenty of maps which can be dominated by 1 well placed anoying cerb.
Theres plenty of dumb strategies that just work, the art is figureing out which do and which dont!
+1 / -0

41 days ago
Oddball strats are fine. Doing things like not building mexes while you work on your unpracticed strat? Less fine.

If it works? Cool! But if you're watching your team lose while doing something like build a ramp?

It's a tunnel vision problem; really what your team is telling you to do is to participate in the team dynamics more. Cause god damn it's annoying when you're the only one on a front and the person right behind you is just... ignoring what's happening 15 feet away.

So, maybe take a hint?
+3 / -0
Just watched https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1884165

Cliver, man. At the beginning you asked which side needs help (you should be able to zoom out and figure it out at this point tbh). Then when you got an answer, you just sat there while your team is continuously telling you to use your units for a time-sensitive situation. Like, why even ask? But then when you use them you basically suicide them and feet the team all of your metals.

That shit's frustrating!

Edit: Also just watched the first 1:15 of https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1884212 and I'm already tilted:

Just.... there are better ways to accomplish your goal, especially so early in the match when metal is tight.. Your team is asking you to actually contribute to the fight, but you're just doing sim city in the background. At 3 minutes in you've done less than 50 damage and have done less than anyone on your team. It's seriously unfun to play with someone who plays like that. It's a lot like playing a board game with someone who's just on their phone.

Have you tried BAR? It's a slower game that you might like more.

Edit2: Watching the same match. You've been sitting idle a lot while your team pushes throughout the match. When you finally push, you're asked why you didn't push alongside your team mate, you responded with, "because I dont want to make the same mistakes as you and attack a fortified position". ...Cliver, man. Man... your team is "criticizing" you because you're legitimately playing really, really badly. You're actively making the game less fun to play by being that obtuse.

Edit 3: UGH, Cliver5: "Instead of trying to switch strategies, think how to make my strategy work"

Dude. Cliver. lol.

Last edit: Friend, 99% of your problems here would go away if you just communicated your intention to your team. Talk to your team about what you're doing and why! Stop doing your own thing and complaining when your team is confused about what the hell you're trying to accomplish.
+5 / -0

41 days ago
chaplol, thank you, i needed that "criticism" criticism
+3 / -0