Resurrect Command

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An alternative to Reclaim, resurrection is a late-game option that allows players to resurrect wrecks of units and buildings. Only Athenas and Engineer Commander with Lazarus Device are able to resurrect units. Default accelerator key is T.

The case for resurrection comes up mostly at the later stages of the game, as it requires copious amounts of energy. While Reclaim grants you 40% of wreck's cost, with resurrection you need to pay 200% of its value in energy in order to restore it. In late game, however, energy is generally abundant, and an ability reassemble valuable units, armies or defensive lines for no metal payment is invaluable.

In conclusion:

  • Resurrection takes 200% of target's cost in energy and returns 100% of its metal cost by fully reviving it.
  • Reclaim takes only 100% of target's cost in energy and returns 40% of its metal cost back into your pocket.
  • Resurrection can only take affect on wrecks. Self-destruction, large explosions, Ultimatum's gun and any other weaponry inflicting twice the target's health in damage will render the target unresurrectable.
  • As such, debris is useless for resurrections, and should be reclaimed.
  • Resurrection takes quiet a bit longer then reclaim. Also, if a unit was partially reclaimed earlier, you will need to refill its metal wreck beforehand.
  • Resurrection is best used late-game, with abundance of energy, to quickly replenish your forces, or even take dead enemies to fight for you.