User page
The profile page has been designed with a focus on intuitive graphical elements.
The pages are styled depending on the color of your in-game rank, following a theme of black-body radiation. A cosmic object has been attributed to each color.
Instead of relying on fixed rating thresholds, ranks colors are defined by your gaming skills (calculated by a specific algorithm called WHR) expressed as a percentiles of the playerbase. Ranks colors can only be gained or lost after holding one's position in the new percentile for multiple games.
Here is a list of the ranks color:
Icon Color Theme Percentile
Gamma ray Singularity Top 1%
X ray Neutron star Top 5%
Blue white Supergiant Top 10%
Bright yellow Giant Top 20%
Orange Subgiant Top 40%
Red Red dwarf Top 60%
Dark red Brown dwarf Top 80%
Infrared Nebula Everyone
The rank level itself is defined by the cumulated total time spent ingame.
Here is a list of the ranks, with color Infrared:
The progress bar "Level XXX" shows your rank level (i.e. dependent on total time spent ingame).
The progress bar below it shows your position in respect to the next cosmic object (in other words, how far you are to the next color).