Modifier Reference

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Command Click+drag behaviour Drag behaviour +CTRL +ALT +CTRL+ALT
Move units to a point. Move units into a line. Move, maintaining current formation. When dragging, move along a line. When dragging, move along a line in formation.
Attack move(A)
Move to a point, using unit AI while moving. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI.
Move back and forth between current position and a point, using unit AI while moving. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI. Same as move, using AI.
Fire at a point Fire at all targets in an area, in a queue. When dragging, fire at all targets in an area, splitting fire. When dragging, fire along a line.
Set Target(T)
Target a unit or point, without moving. Fire at target if in range. Fire normally if out of range. Target the nearest enemy in the circle. Target all enemies in the circle, splitting targets. Target the ground along a line, firing if in range.
Protect, repair, and assist a unit. On unit: guard in circle formation.

On ground: guard all units in the circle.

For circle formation: guard in a specific direction. For circle formation: guard in a direction relative to unit facing. For circle formation: do not match guarding unit speeds/positions.
Repair a live unit; Assist construction. Area command. Applies the click command to valid targets in the area, as long as there are any. Only repair live units, do not assist construction. For area only. Persist the area even when no valid targets inside (continue if any new show up).
Build a mex at given spot Queue mexes across the area. Surround each mex in the area with 4 solars. Works on already-built mexes.
Reclaim target (unit or feature). Reclaim features across the area. Area only. If centered on a live unit, reclaim all units of this type in the area. Else, ignore metal-less features, such as trees. There is a menu option to do this by default, in which case trees can be reclaimed either with CTRL or by centering the area on a tree. Area only. Persist the command even when no features are in the area.
Resurrect target wreck Area version. Resurrect wrecks in given area as long as there are any; ignore ones that are partially reclaimed. Area only. Resurrect even partially reclaimed wrecks (but still not those actively being reclaimed - this requires single target command). Area only. Persist the command even when no resurrectables are in the area.

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