Revision as of 01:09, 26 June 2016 by Histidine (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by KingRaptorBot (talk) to last revision by KingRaptor)
Maybe ideal for new player (under construction). So please add something useful here. Also expand into ZK slang in general, not just abbreviations.
- AA - Anti Air
- anni - Annihilator (heavy tachyon tower)
- AoE - Area of Effect (splash damage)
- avenger - old name for Swift (multirole fighter)
- BB - Big Bertha - the long range cannon
- BD - Black Dawn - skirmish gunship
- behe - Behemoth (artillery battery)
- BW - BlastWing - flying bomb unit
- cata - Catapult - artillery unit
- com(m) - Commander - the starting unit
- con - Construction Unit - any mobile unit with ability to build stuff
- CS - ChainSaw - Powerful Anti Air structure
- det - (also detri) - Detriment (the largest strider)
- DDM - Doomsday Machine - heavy defensive structure
- dgun - Disintegrator Gun - class of special weapons that need manual activation using "D" key - for example Dante's missile volley or special commander weapons
- domi - Dominatrix (capture vehicle)
- DPS - Damage Per Second
- DRP - Disco Rave Party - the superweapon
- Drop - A "drop" happens when units are loaded into transports and then "dropped" somewhere, like the enemy base
- E - Energy - the resource
- eco - Economy - all resource-producing units and buildings
- elo - a rating system used for balancing games basing on estimated players skill
- EMP - ElectroMagnetic Pulse - paralyzer weapons
- fac- Factory - building that produces mobile units
- FW - Firewalker (artillery bot)
- fus - Fusion Reactor
- geo - Geothermal Powerplant or the spot where it can be built (also _geospot_)
- GS - Gunships
- golly - Goliath (heavy tank)
- grid - energy grid - system of connected energy sources, part of overdrive. Structures are in the same grid if their "circles" touch.
- HLT - Heavy Laser Tower (the Stinger turret)
- JJ - JumpJet factory
- Licho - old name for Wyvern (heavy bomber plane)
- link - to link disconnected parts of energy grid together OR to link shields together
- LLT - Light Laser Tower (the Lotus turret)
- lobster - a taunt on a player who haven't performed well in ongoing or previous battle(s).
- LoS - line of sight
- LV - Light Vehicles (Factory)
- M - Metal - the resource
- mex - Metal Extractor, to mex the action of constructing extractors on untapped metal spots
- morph - to upgrade a commander or a geothermal generator
- moho - old name for Advanced Geothermal
- MT - Missile Tower (the Defender turret)
- nano - Caretaker nanolathe tower (static constructor)
- nap - to kidnap - usually "comnap" - capture enemy commander with air transport
- OD - OverDrive - overdrive pumps spare energy to metal extractors to improve their output, see economic section of the manual
- OP - OverPowered - something is considered too good for its cost (eg a unit/module/ability)
- owled - weak enough it might as well not be in the game
- pene - Penetrator (hovercraft artillery)
- porc - (from porcupine) - heavy defenses, usually useless
- porcing - playing too defensively, not taking enough land
- PW - PlanetWars - the online multiplayer campaign
- plop (fac) - deploying your first factory, which is free and builds instantly
- rec - Reclaim - command to recycle units, wreckages and map features
- ress/rez - Ressurection (common misspelled version of resurrection) - ability to recreate a unit from its wreckage
- SD - Stardust
- singu - Singularity Reactor - most powerful, and most dangerous energy-producing structure
- Shadow - old name for Raven (bomber plane)
- shiny - huge explosion caused either by nuke, or destruction of Singularity Reactor
- skydust - Stardust on a terraformed spire
- stiletto - old name for Thunderbird (disarming plane)
- selfd - Self Destruct - usually meant as an encouragement to self destruct all your things using CTRL+A, CTRL+D keys to end the game; sometimes to self destruct a single unit for its powerful death explosion
- shield-ball - A group of units that have shields, usually containing thugs, felons, and possibly an aspis(mobile area shield)
- terra - Terraform - a way to modify map's landscape
- UP - UnderPowered - something is considered too weak for its cost (eg a unit/module/ability)
- Ulti - Ultimatum - cloaked anti-heavy strider
- ZK - Zero Kelvin - the name of this game
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