This module is used to autogenerate the weapon infoboxes contained in unit infoboxes, by drawing data from Module:WeaponData/data. The intent is to ease updating of unit infoboxes on the wiki; ideally, only the one data page needing to be changed every release. The concept is taken from e.g. the Combat Card Data module on the Library of Ruina Wiki.
Unlike Module:UnitData, there is no template for this module. If it is desired to generate a weapon infobox outside its unit infobox, the module should be invoked directly, e.g.:
{{#invoke:WeaponData|printInfobox|defname=striderdetriment_gauss|name=Name override}}
Data page
Module:WeaponData/data is a central store of data used by Module:WeaponData to automatically populate weapon infoboxes.
The page is a Lua table written to the local file temp/weaponStats.lua
by the Wiki Data Export (dbg_wiki_export.lua
) widget in Zero-K. This widget should be run once each update and the data page on the wiki replaced accordingly. It should not be necessary to edit the data manually.
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local weapon = {} local weaponData = mw.loadData('Module:WeaponData/data') local function writeTemplateLine(key, value) if not key or not value then return "" end local str = "" str = str .. "| " .. key .. " = " .. value return str end -- args: key in a key-value pair (nil if not a pair); value to display; number of extra rows used in the infobox thus far; infobox string thus far -- return values: appended string, number of rows (now incremented by one), infobox string with new text appended local function writeCustomDataLine(key, value, count, currentStr) currentStr = currentStr or '' local append = "" if key then append = writeTemplateLine("customlabel"..count, key) .. writeTemplateLine("customdata"..count, value) else append = writeTemplateLine("special"..count, value) end currentStr = currentStr .. append count = count + 1 return append, count, currentStr end function weapon.getData(frame) if not frame then return '' end local weaponDefName = frame.args[1] local wd = weaponData[weaponDefName] if not (wd) then return 'weapondef ' .. weaponDefName .. ' not found' end local property = frame.args[2] local result = wd[property] if not result then result = '' end return frame:preprocess(result) or '' end function weapon.printInfobox(frame) local weaponDefName = frame.args[1] if not (weaponData[weaponDefName]) then return 'weapondef ' .. weaponDefName .. ' not found' end return [[{{User:Histidine/Autoinfobox zkweapon |defname=]]..weaponDefName..[[}}]] end function weapon.printInfoboxCustomRows(frame) local weaponDefName = frame.args[1] local wd = weaponData[weaponDefName] if not wd then return 'weapondef ' .. weaponDefName .. ' not found' end if not wd.extraData then return '' end local str = '' local count = 0 for index, entry in ipairs(wd.extraData) do local append = '' if type(entry) == 'table' then if entry.type == 'shielddrain' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Shield drain (HP/shot)", entry.drain, count, str) elseif entry.type == 'needs_link' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Grid needed", entry.power, count, str) elseif entry.type == 'spawn' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Spawns Unit", "[[" .. .. "]]", count, str) append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Spawn Life (s)", entry.expire, count, str) elseif entry.type == 'areadamage' then local typeName = entry.grav and "Gravity Well" or "Ground Burn" if not grav then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(typeName .. " DPS", entry.dps, count, str) end append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(typeName .. " radius (elmo)", entry.radius, count, str) append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(typeName .. " duration (s)", entry.duration, count, str) elseif entry.type == 'stockpile' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Stockpile time (s)", entry.time, count, str) if (entry.cost) then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Stockpile cost (M)", entry.cost, count, str) end else append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Invalid table data", entry.type, count, str) end else if entry == 'hitscan' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Instantly hits", count, str) elseif entry == 'ignoreshield' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Ignores shields", count, str) elseif entry == 'smoothsground' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Smooths ground", count, str) elseif entry == 'hightraj' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "High trajectory", count, str) elseif entry == 'trajtoggle' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Trajectory toggle", count, str) elseif entry == 'watercapable' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Water capable", count, str) elseif entry == 'friendlyfire' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Potential friendly fire", count, str) elseif entry == 'nofriendlyfire' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "No friendly fire", count, str) elseif entry == 'nogroundcollide' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Passes through ground", count, str) elseif entry == 'piercing' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Damage increase vs large units", count, str) elseif entry == 'damagefalloff' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Damage falls off with range", count, str) elseif entry == 'inaccuratevsmoving' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Inaccuracy vs moving targets", count, str) elseif entry == 'interceptedbyantinuke' then append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine(nil, "Can be shot down by antinukes", count, str) else append, count, str = writeCustomDataLine("Invalid tag data", entry, count, str) end end end return str or '' end return weapon
Debug data:
[SQLBagOStuff] MainObjectStash using store ReplicatedBagOStuff
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[DBReplication] Cannot use ChronologyProtector with EmptyBagOStuff
[DBReplication] Wikimedia\Rdbms\LBFactory::getChronologyProtector: request info {
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}[DBConnection] Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer::lazyLoadReplicationPositions: executed chronology callback.
[DBConnection] Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer::getLocalConnection: connected to database 0 at 'localhost'.
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[session] SessionBackend "4sgrn30hdbavifbopneh8bcui3ca308g" is unsaved, marking dirty in constructor
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[DBConnection] Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer::getLocalConnection: connected to database 0 at 'localhost'.
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[Module:WeaponData]] are {edit,move}
[ContentHandler] Created handler for Scribunto: ScribuntoContentHandler
[MessageCache] MessageCache using store SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] SqlBagOStuff::lock failed due to timeout for wikidb229-mw_:messages:en.
[ContentHandler] Created handler for wikitext: WikitextContentHandler
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
[MessageCache] MessageCache::load: Loading en... local cache is empty, global cache is expired/volatile, loading from database
ParserFactory: using preprocessor: Preprocessor_Hash
Unstubbing $wgLang on call of $wgLang::_unstub from ParserOptions->__construct
[caches] parser: SqlBagOStuff
Article::view using parser cache: no
Article::view: doing uncached parse
[SQLBagOStuff] Connection mysql object #127 (handle id #121) will be used for SqlBagOStuff
Unstubbing $wgParser on call of $wgParser::parse from AbstractContent->getParserOutput
[Scribunto] Scribunto_LuaStandaloneInterpreter::__construct: creating interpreter: ""C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki\extensions\Scribunto\includes\engines\LuaStandalone/binaries/lua5_1_5_Win64_bin/lua5.1.exe" "C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki\extensions\Scribunto\includes\engines\LuaStandalone/mw_main.lua" "C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki\extensions\Scribunto\includes" "0" "8""
[gitinfo] Candidate cacheFile=C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki/gitinfo.json for C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki
[gitinfo] Cache incomplete for C:\Projekty\\www\mediawiki
SiteStats::loadAndLazyInit: reading site_stats from replica DB
MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: primary transaction round committed
MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: pre-send deferred updates completed
MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: session changes committed
MediaWiki::preOutputCommit: LBFactory shutdown completed
Title::getRestrictionTypes: applicable restrictions to [[Module:WeaponData]] are {edit,move}