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(Initial List of all ingame unit names)
(Redirected page to Internal unit names)
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The following is a list of all the unit names in the game. These names are used for cheats and disabling certain units from the lobby settings.
#REDIRECT [[Internal unit names]]
* amphaa
* amphassault
* amphbomb
* amphcon
* amphfloater
* amphimpulse
* amphlaunch
* amphraid
* amphriot
* amphtele
* armcom1
* assaultcruiser
* asteroid
* athena
* benzcom1
* bomberassault
* bomberdisarm
* bomberheavy
* bomberprec
* bomberriot
* bomberstrike
* chickena
* chicken_blimpy
* chickenblobber
* chickenbroodqueen
* chickenc
* chicken_digger_b
* chicken_digger
* chickend
* chicken_dodo
* chicken_dragon
* chicken_drone
* chicken_drone_starter
* chickenf
* chickenflyerqueen
* chickenlandqueen
* chicken_leaper
* chicken_listener_b
* chicken_listener
* chicken
* chicken_pigeon
* chicken_rafflesia
* chickenr
* chicken_roc
* chicken_shield
* chickens
* chicken_spidermonkey
* chickenspire
* chicken_sporeshooter
* chicken_tiamat
* chickenwurm
* cloakaa
* cloakarty
* cloakassault
* cloakbomb
* cloakcon
* cloakheavyraid
* cloakjammer
* cloakraid
* cloakriot
* cloakskirm
* cloaksnipe
* commrecon1
* commstrike1
* commsupport1
* corcom1
* cremcom1
* damagesink
* damagesinkrock
* dronecarry
* dronefighter
* droneheavyslow
* dronelight
* dynassault1
* dynknight1
* dynrecon1
* dynstrike1
* dynsupport1
* empiricaldpser
* empiricaldpsersmall
* empmissile
* energyfusion
* energygeo
* energyheavygeo
* energypylon
* energysingu
* energysolar
* energywind
* factoryamph
* factorycloak
* factorygunship
* factoryhover
* factoryjump
* factoryplane
* factoryshield
* factoryship
* factoryspider
* factorytank
* factoryveh
* fakeunit_aatarget
* fakeunit_los
* fakeunit
* grebe
* gunshipaa
* gunshipassault
* gunshipbomb
* gunshipcon
* gunshipemp
* gunshipheavyskirm
* gunshipheavytrans
* gunshipkrow
* gunshipraid
* gunshipskirm
* gunshiptrans
* hoveraa
* hoverarty
* hoverassault
* hovercon
* hoverdepthcharge
* hoverminer
* hoverraid
* hoverriot
* hovershotgun
* hoverskirm2
* hoverskirm
* hoversonic
* jumpaa
* jumparty
* jumpassault
* jumpblackhole
* jumpbomb
* jumpcon
* jumpraid
* jumpscout
* jumpskirm
* jumpsumo
* mahlazer
* napalmmissile
* nebula
* neebcomm
* planecon
* planefighter
* planeheavyfighter
* planescout
* pw_generic
* pw_hq_attacker
* pw_hq_defender
* raveparty
* roost
* seismic
* shieldaa
* shieldarty
* shieldassault
* shieldbomb
* shieldcon
* shieldfelon
* shieldraid
* shieldriot
* shieldscout
* shieldshield
* shieldskirm
* shipaa
* shiparty
* shipassault
* shipcarrier
* shipcon
* shipheavyarty
* shipriot
* shipscout
* shipskirm
* shiptorpraider
* shiptransport
* spideraa
* spideranarchid
* spiderantiheavy
* spiderassault
* spidercon
* spidercrabe
* spideremp
* spiderriot
* spiderscout
* spiderskirm
* starlight_satellite
* staticantinuke
* staticarty
* staticcon
* staticheavyarty
* staticheavyradar
* staticjammer
* staticmex
* staticmissilesilo
* staticnuke
* staticradar
* staticrearm
* staticshield
* staticsonar
* staticstorage
* striderantiheavy
* striderarty
* striderbantha
* striderdante
* striderdetriment
* striderfunnelweb
* striderhub
* striderscorpion
* subraider
* subscout
* subtacmissile
* tacnuke
* tankaa
* tankarty
* tankassault
* tankcon
* tankheavyarty
* tankheavyassault
* tankheavyraid
* tankraid
* tankriot
* tele_beacon
* terraunit
* thicket
* tiptest
* turretaaclose
* turretaafar
* turretaaflak
* turretaaheavy
* turretaalaser
* turretantiheavy
* turretemp
* turretgauss
* turretheavylaser
* turretheavy
* turretimpulse
* turretlaser
* turretmissile
* turretriot
* turretsunlance
* turrettorp
* vehaa
* veharty
* vehassault
* vehcapture
* vehcon
* vehheavyarty
* vehraid
* vehriot
* vehscout
* vehsupport
* wolverine_mine
* zenith

Latest revision as of 22:37, 19 May 2018