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Dynasty of Man


Right of superiority

The Dynasty of Man continues on its perpetual journey towards the perfect iteration of the human species. The ancient lineages of Earth, convinced of their inherent superiority through thousands of years of genetic manipulation, will bow to no lesser being - whether it be a man or a machine.

  • Grand Duke
    • Margrave
      • Knight
      • Sergeant
    • Lord Treasurer
      • Baron
    • Chancellor
      • Diplomat

Cybernetic Front


Logical imperative

Opinions differ as to whether the Cybernetic Front orchestrated the fall of the Third Empire, or merely took advantage of it. In either case, their seizure and control of the Empire's military apparatus is an established fact. These world-spanning AIs insist that for the good of all sentient beings, humanity must accept the guidance of machine intelligence.

True Born


Equality of true humanity

The True Born government carries on the democratic legacy of the Federation, with the guiding principle that humanity as a whole must decide its own future. The claims of post-human freaks and unfeeling machines to hegemony over the galaxy and its people must be repudiated, at any cost.