Ingame Menu

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This is a summary of the in-game options menu, which is brought up by pressing "ESCAPE". Doing so will pause the game in a single-player game.

Note: to see all menu settings available, uncheck the "Simple Settings" box at the bottom of the dialog box.

Simple Settings

A basic list of options is visible when the "simple mode" box is checked at the bottom of the menu. All these options are included in the "Advanced" options list below, shown when the box is unchecked.

Advanced Settings

This is the full list of options, enabled by unchecking the "Simple mode" box at the bottom of the menu. There is a search button available on the menu, or you can type /search: into chat.



  • Use Selection Filtering: enable or disable Selection Rank. If disabled, the relevant button will not appear on the unit control panel.
  • Only Filter When ALT is Held: If enabled, Selection Rank will only affect unit selection when ALT is held down.
  • Two Sliders are available to modify how selection rank rules can be overridden.
  • The remaining options will change the visual indicator around units which have been selected.

Retreat Zones

  • Retreat Overrides Selection Rank: In conjunction with the slider, this will generally make retreating units un-selectable when mixed with groups of still-fighting units.
  • Retreat Deselects: With a group of units selected, those that begin retreating will automatically be removed from the selection.
  • Only Show My Zones: if unchecked, will show ally's retreat zones as well. May be bound to a hotkey.
  • Cancel Retreat: may be bound to a hotkey, to prevent the selected units from retreating.

Mouse Cursor

  • Cursor size can be changed, and the cursor can be unlocked from the window, if the game is in windowed mode.

Gesture Menu

  • If enabled, a key can be bound to bring up a branching radial build menu for construction units.


  • Map Drawing and Messaging: hotkeys to control drawing on the map, and zooming to the last few messages displayed.
  • Map Overlays: hotkeys to turn on/off overlays for terrain contours, unit pathing restrictions, and highlighted metal resources. Can also set a hotkey to enable/disable "fog of war" line-of-sight shading. The checkbox below this will determine if line of sight is on when starting a game.
  • Radar Color: Allows for changing the default colors showing radar and jammer coverage on the lign-of-sight display. By default, this is the faint colored boundaries outside of your current line of sight, indicating where where you currently have radar coverage. Various useful presets may also be selected.
  • Metal Spots: options to choose whether metal extractor spots (default hotkey of F4) show their rate of extraction as a number or graphic, as well as how large to display the metal info.
  • Auto Toggle Overlay: the checkboxes will enable automatic overlays for related activities (reclain/ressurect, construction/terraform, and moving/jumping). The overlay will automatically disable when not being used. These options can be hotkeyed.

Team Colors

  • Options for displaying how team colors are shown. Generally, teams are color-coordinated, with allies as blue colors, and enemies in red colors.


  • Healthbars can be toggled in game if a hotkey is set.
  • Destroyed units can have their health displayed. When corpse take enough damage, they will disintegrate and they will be un-reclaimable.
  • Min reload time slider: controls how long of a unit's reload time is required to be displayed under the health bar. The reload time is not visible until zoomed in sufficiently.

Hovering Icons

  • Various unit states can be displayed over the unit, if any states have been changed from "normal". By default, holding SHIFT will display priority states.

Build ETA

  • Partially constructed units will display a clock showing the remaining time to completed.
  • Display height controls how far out you can zoom while still seeing the ETA icons.

Unit Marker

  • Map symbols for individual important units can be toggled. There are also options to toggle all markers. When enabled, enemy units will be identified with a map marker displaying the unit type and owning player (similar drawing on the map with TILDE+double-click).

Control Groups

  • Settings to control auto-group behavior.
  • Preserve auto groups will maintain auto-groups between games. If you find units have an unexpected group number after exiting a factory, this is probably why.
  • Display group numbers will show a small white number next to units if they are in a group.
  • Inherit factory control group will make freshly-produced units have the same group number as the factory that made them. Selecting the group will not select the factory, as long as the factory has a lower selection ranks.

Defense and Cloak Ranges

  • Checkboxes to display circles on the ground showing various color-coded range information. Weapon ranges are red, decloak range is a blue shaded circle, etc.
  • By default, your units will show their cloak ranges, and generally enemy defenses will show their ranges when you scout them. For example, this will help you keep your raiders away from enemy defenses.
  • If unchecked, this information may be seen by holding SHIFT and hovering over a unit.


  • Econ. Announcer can be configured to display the total assets for the team at various times. This may be useful if the players agree to an economic victory. This must be manually enforced, so may only be suitable for pre-arranged games.
  • Spectator view can be adjusted to show line-of sight for the selected team. This also affects the view during replays.

Building Placement

  • Advanced missile silo ranges can be enable to show additional infomation about missile flight paths.
  • Options for the interface used to terraform buildings being placed can be enabled or disabled here.

Command Visibility

  • you can choose to show unit commands on the ground in a variety of ways. By default, currently selected units display their orders, orders for non-selected will be displayed with SHIFT.

Economy Overlay

  • Game starts with economy overlay will enable the F4 overlay at the beginning of a game, showing metal spots and energy grids.
  • The way the energy grid is displayed can be modified.

Falling Units

  • Visible trajectories for units launched by Newtons or dropped by transport aircraft can be adjusted.


HDR (experimental)

Map Detail


Unit Visibility


Map Exterior

Sun and Fog

Unit Behavior

Reset Settings




HUD Panels

HUD Presets





  • This section contains information on unit stats, and various basic game concepts. Unit stats can also be seen when playing the game, by holding SPACE and clicking on a unit.

Save / Load Game

Vote Resign / Resign

  • When all hope is lost, your team must agree to give up. One player will select "Vote Resign", and other players may select "Resign" to confirm they surrender. All of a resigning team's units are destroyed.
  • When resigning without a vote, your units will be donated to another player on your team.


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