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Title: TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CHrankSpringie
Game version: Zero-K v1.0.9.8
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 109164
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 21 minutes
Players: 8
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 37.8%
XP gained: 85
ESrankElTorero died in 22 minutes
FRrankJeff19412 died in 15 minutes
CZrank[DDAM]aiphee died in 22 minutes
CZrankSkeeterNsk died in 22 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 62.2%
XP gained: 106

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Isn't vamp supposed to be an air superiority plane? It gets pwnt by avenger's misiles if it doesn't kill it before reaching it, because they have almost the same speed, so vamp can't fire and avenger can still use its misiles...
Air has always been too random because of its movement...
Btw, that banshe-vamp thing is annoying
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I think the idea is more of a raider/assault relationship now - avenger is meant to be the more powerful plane, but gets torn to shreds by any AA fire, while the Vamp is able to operate in violent environments. I'm not sure, though - the balance seems to shift incessantly.
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