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92 players online: 41 of them fighting in 12 battles, 4423 on discord

Commander wanted!

Drive giant robots, build an army of a thousand Fleas, move mountains if needed, bury the enemy at all cost!

  • Real time strategy.
  • Physically simulated units and projectiles.
  • Terrain manipulation.
  • 100+ varied units with unique abilities.
  • Singleplayer campaign.
  • Challenging, non-cheating AI.
  • Multiplayer 1v1 - 16v16, FFA, coop.
  • Multiplayer online campaign.
  • Really free, no in-game currency, no unfair multiplayer.

Fully Utilized Physics

Simulated unit and projectile physics is used to a level rarely found in a strategy game.

  • Use small nimble units to dodge slow moving projectiles.
  • Hide behind hills that block weapon fire, line of sight and radar.
  • Toss units across the map with gravity guns.
  • Transport a battleship to a hilltop - for greater views and gun range.

Manipulate the Terrain

The terrain itself is an ever-changing part of the battlefield.

  • Wreck the battlefield with craters that bog down enemy tanks.
  • Dig canals to bring your navy inland for a submarine-in-a-desert strike.
  • Build ramps, bridges, entire fortress if you wish.
  • Burn your portrait into continental crust using the planetary energy chisel.

Singleplayer Campaign and Challenging AI

Enjoy many hours of single player and coop fun with our campaign, wide selection of non-cheating AIs and a survival mode against an alien horde.

  • Explore the galaxy and discover technologies in our singleplayer campaign.
  • Face a challenging AI that is neither brain-dead nor a clairvoyant cheater.
  • Have some coop fun with friends, surviving waves of chicken-monsters.
  • Cloaking? Resurrection? Tough choices customizing your commander.

Casual and Competitive Multiplayer

Zero-K was built for multiplayer from the start, this is where you can end up being hooked for a decade.

  • Enjoying epic scale combat? Join our 16v16 team battles!
  • Looking for a common goal? Fight AIs or waves of chicken-monsters.
  • Prefer dancing on a razor's edge? Play 1v1 in ladder and tournaments.
  • Comebacks, betrayals, emotions always running high in FFA.
  • Want to fight for a bigger cause? Form a clan and join PlanetWars, competitive online campaign with web-game strategic elements, diplomacy and backstabbing.

Power to the People

We are RTS players at heart, we work for nobody. We gave ourselves the tools we always wanted to have in a game.

  • Do what you want. No limits to camera, queue or level of control.
  • Paint a shape, any shape, and units will move to assume your formation.
  • Want to spend more time on tactics? Use construction priorities.
  • Want to focus on economy? Order units to kite, strafe or zig zag bullets.

Plenty of Stuff to Explode Explore

Zero-K is a long term project and it shows, millions hours of proper multiplayer testing and dozens of people contributing ever expanding content.

  • Learn to use all of our 100+ units and play on hundreds of maps.
  • Invent the next mad team-tactics to shock enemies and make allies laugh.
  • Combine cloaking, teleports, shields, jumpjets, EMP, napalm, gravity guns, black hole launchers, mind control and self-replication.
  • Tiny flea swarm that clings to walls?
    Jumping "cans" with steam-spike?
    Buoys that hide under water to ambush ships?
    Mechs that spew fire and enjoy being tossed from air transports?
    Carrier with cute helicopters?
    Jumping Jugglenaut with dual wielding gravity guns?
    Meet them in Zero-K!

or just view the media

Zero-K v1.12.7.0 - Revenant Revised, Scallop Superior

Revenant was brought back from the dead just over a year ago, but it lurked in the background until the appearance of combat engineers. Killing these newly-popular commanders in two shots let people really explore what Revenant could do, and most of it looked fine, so the Revenant nerfs focus on early game power. One thing that ended up not being fine was Revenant spires, so its missiles now explode after a short time rather than fall to the ground.

With Revenant moving towards a healthy place, it is time to revive another tricky unit. Scallop is the candidate this time and it is a dangerous unit to buff, so the changes are aimed squarely at it being a better riot. It now 2-shots individual Ducks and can stand toe-to-toe with similar riots. On paper it is still worse than Reaver, but knowing Scallop it will break the game anyway, so look forward to it.

The last release was a bit too recent for many features to roll in. A notable fix is for aircraft wing trails, and a notable feature is the random selection of custom music albums, as well as the ability to play mp3s.


Scallop is much better against Duck and can even fight Ripper and Reaver.
  • Range 264 -> 285
  • Aim speed increased by 50%
  • Reload time 0.8s -> 0.96s
  • Damage 23*9 -> 28*9
  • Maximum burst increased by 21.7%, DPS increased by 0.7%
  • Spray angle increased by 20%
  • Area of effect 32 -> 64
  • Reduced area of effect damage falloff

Revenant no longer overshoots and no longer 2-shots Engineer Commanders.
  • Speed 135 -> 130.5
  • Reload 9s -> 10s
  • Damage 220 -> 210
  • Missile burn time 5s -> 2.8s
  • Missiles blow up when they run out of fuel


  • Increased Buoy and Bulkhead auto-float depth to match their requirements.
  • Added overkill prevention for Scallop shotgun.
  • Renamed Scallop Flechette to Heavy Shotgun to match other shotguns.
  • Added an option to choose music albums randomly (thanks Helwor).
  • Custom music tracks now can now be mp3s.
  • Made Trinity reload time match its animation.
  • Tweakdef errors now appear in the infolog.
  • Applied forced 60 fps vsync for ATI compatibility, and renamed the vsync option.


  • Fixed aircraft wing trail emit points shifting around incorrectly based on unit velocity.
  • Fixed spectator panel positions when they are loaded while not in full view mode (thanks Helwor).
  • Fixed set AI start position game options.
  • Fixed final value alignment in graphs that go negative.
  • A few campaign fixes (A unit pic, Solar, and Brutal on Old Kam, thanks Mach565).
Posted by AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 13 days ago - comment

Cold Take #14 - Free Factories For All

How long should players spend setting up their base at the start of the game? Zero-K tried to make this phase as short as possible and found other issues to solve along the way.

Read it here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/334920/view/4268931197552327328
Posted by AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 27 days ago - comment

Zero-K v1.12.6.0 - Likho's New Look

Likho has a new model by brunocb, giving it a proper singularity bomb. This update also has many fixes and a few balance changes. Some of the fixes are due to an engine update, such as a decades-old bug that caused reverse-built units to sometimes try to slide off the map. On the balance front, Bulkhead now has a bit more range than Stinger, Duck is a bit better, and Disco Rave Party spins faster.


Duck is no longer the equal-slowest raider.
  • Speed 90 -> 93 elmo/s (no longer matches Bandit)
  • Missile range 235 -> 232 (matches Bandit)
  • Missile turn rate increased by 16% so it reliably hits Dart.

Bulkhead is more sturdy and can safely shoot at Stinger.
  • Stays deployed while mid-air
  • Range 600 -> 640
  • Sight range 660 -> 700

Crab and Bulkhead can deploy mid-air.

Kodachi is killed in one fewer shots by Dagger.
  • Health 680 -> 660

Disco Rave Party has all its bearings replaced.
  • Base turn rate increased by 25%
  • Maximum fire rate increased by 6.7%
  • Spin-up rate increased by 18%
  • Increased minimum turn rate by 25%
  • Can turn without spinning down so far, as a result of the above.


  • Added new Likho model (thanks brunocb).
  • Added optional radar colour in LOS and fog stripes, under Settings/Interface/Map/Radar Color.
  • Added animation-stun to most striders. They no longer return to a netural stance while stunned.
  • Guarding units can now be automatically set to lower selection rank under Settings/Interface/Selection/Filtering (thanks Amnykon).
  • Improved overdrive payback tooltip.
  • Added metal shared, energy excesses, and energy shared graphs.
  • Mods can now include their own modoptions files.
  • Reordering factory queues no longer forgets Alt-insert.
  • Cloaked units no longer try to shoot at unseen mexes.
  • Free-For-All games are now not counted for ranking immediately, rather than being discounted when the server restarts (thanks Shaman).


  • Fixed rally points of factories with structures right in front of them.
  • Fixed overlob prevention vs. jumpjets.
  • Fixed a shadow bug caused by UI scaling.
  • Slowed Detriment can no longer be stolen by transports.
  • Fixed defense range circles for ballistic projectiles (thanks Helwor).
  • Fixed Djinn deployment when told to stop while stopping.
  • Fixed being able to click twice to start a skirmish game.
  • Fixed reverse-built nanoframes sometimes sliding off the map (thanks marcushutchings).
  • Fixed queuing dense line moves (recent engine bug, thanks marcushutchings).
  • Fixed structure ground decals persisting after death (recent engine bug, thanks marcushutchings).
  • Fixed an issue with action registering (thanks Helwor).
  • Made UnitLeftRadar more consistent (thanks Helwor).
  • Terraform construction can no longer catch fire.
  • East-facing morphs no longer result in West-facing units.
  • Fixed lingering noammo icon on wreck tooltips.
Posted by AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 41 days ago - comment

Cold Take #13 - Pro-Simplicity, Anti-Nuke

Zero-K has nukes and missiles that shoot down nukes, but unlike similar games, the system is kept as simple as possible to keep it feeling fair and interactive.

Read it here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/334920/view/4155212770698415116
Posted by AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 55 days ago - comment

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