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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome (32p)
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.9.8.0
Engine version: 104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f
Battle ID: 1193567
Started: 2 years ago
Duration: 20 minutes
Players: 20
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 60.8%
XP gained: 53
GBrankSab died in 20 minutes
CArankRedEagle_P1 died in 20 minutes
USrankSodbuster died in 20 minutes
DErankfxrs died in 20 minutes
PLrankoldtroll died in 20 minutes
USrankCrunkBoggartbob died in 20 minutes
BRrankSilverWolff died in 20 minutes
RUrankzodera1 died in 16 minutes
USrankAspekt died in 20 minutes
ESrankLIVING322 died in 16 minutes
Team 2 Won!
Chance of victory: 39.2%
XP gained: 66

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Sodbuster again blaming other people and this time gets me kicked.
This is bordering on harassment.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
More detail:

Harassment from Sodbuster, misuse of votekick, unwarranted claim that I was trolling.

All that while he is toxic af, trolls whenever he wants and still blames everything on others. (see http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1193437)

He demanded I play the way he wanted, tried to kick me 37 seconds into the game.
Succeeds with second votekick, 6sec after he claims I am trolling and demands I cancel a unit.
I repeat, he waited ~3 sec for me to cancel my unit and got me kicked for not complying in 6 seconds!

He didn't even consider I was supporting his units mid. He distracted me a lot and was zero help. Got me kicked because he and I could not hold mid. Worst case the 700 metal in grizzly would have been lost.
Meanwhile he lost his ogre mid because he was more focusing on my fac then his units.

Sodbuster (0:21): "place lab"
Sodbuster (00:37): "!kick fxrs"
Sodbuster (01:08): "dumb place for fac, vulnerable"
Sodbuster (03:21): "build units"
fxrs (~03:40): "just let me fkin play" (starting grizzly)
Sodbuster (04:01): "wtf" (while losing ogre front, clearly his attention is more on controlling me then his units)
Sodbuster (04:07): "cancel it"
Sodbuster (04:10): "!kick fxrs"
Sodbuster (04:12): "he's trolling"
(04:13 Player fxrs left the game: kicked)
(~04:30 east vote resign)
(04:33 grizzly cancelled)

I can't blame west team when they don't know what's going on, even though it is not helpful to follow votekick blindly. Especially when it is coming from a toxic player.

But it is really messed up, that RedEagle_P1, oldtroll, Sab, Aspekt, LIVING322 supported this. I can only assume they followd Sodbuster's claim blindly because he talks much and is blue. Building front fac and a heavy unit can't possibley be reason for a kick. (And in the case it was, consider how other people including Sodbuster are playing.)

This easily ruins the gameplay experience.
+2 / -1
USrankSodbuster has been temp-banned for this kick and abusive behaviour in a previous game. As far as I know the votes of players on the opposing team for a kick have no effect, but the players on east team who voted for this kick should have been paying more attention.

My impression from a strategic point of view is that with only two players going mid and contesting the centre of this map, one of them (fxrs) rushing a Grizzly and the other (Sodbuster) rushing a Cyclops, there is plenty of blame to go around. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with where fxrs put their factory.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Sometimes it is hard to know if a vote kick on your team is for a legitimate reason or not if you aren't directly involved or nearby to what is prompting the vote kick.
+3 / -0
2 years ago
Don't vote kick if you don't know why you're kicking someone, guys
+2 / -0
I was in the opposing team, and after some wait I voted yes (no idea if it had any effect), because the other team said he trolling, and had 5/6 votes for it, with noone saying otherwise, so I voted yes to be over with it, and not receive further votespam. Sorry, seemed legitimate.
The truth is that the enemy front on middle (for which Sodbuster was responsible) collapsed very fast, so indeed it seemed like enemy team did't pay much attention.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
If you are not on the team doing the vote kick then there is no effect.
+0 / -0