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Title: PlanetWars online campaign
Host: CZrankPlanetWars
Game version: Zero-K v0.9.8.11
Engine version: 85.0
Battle ID: 47523
Started: 13 years ago
Duration: 27 minutes
Players: 13
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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13 years ago
Why did planetwars even allowed to start this with 2 cybers on defending team? I think pw shouldnt start with such win win balance.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
This is why Cybernetics are murdering everyone. Bla1 should really have specced.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Pw shouldnt even start like this. Its pretty much a exploit on the balancing system where you will win even if you lose.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
The defending team should have a higher win chance - home advantage.
This could also stop ppls who want to buff defenses,

A non-exploidable system is nothing of interest - it is only interesting if you can think about it's weakness and strenghts.

Let's make another radical change to make it more interesting - revert changes if ppls don't like it, but keep it alive.

And all life changes from time to time.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Having 4 enemies on the defending team is just wrong. Either they shouldnt get ip (it should be sold to locals) or pw shouldnt start with such balance. This just needs to get fixed.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
If you get IPs anywhere, 1/2 should be equally distributed to all of your worlds.
If you don't have worlds, your clan's worlds should get your IPs.

The other 1/2 should get distributed over the worlds your clan owns.
If your clan don't own worlds, all your IPs should move to your faction.

If your faction don't own worlds, they should get IPs on the planet with the lowest IPs from other factions.

If it is a new PW session, the first IPs should go to somewhere your faction played the most games.

If you use ships and win, you should be able to get a percentage of your IPs on the attacked world, or move some of your other IPs from all worlds equally to the attacked world.

If you use ships and lose, you should lose a percentage of your IPs on all planets with shipyards.
( For exchange shipyards can produce more ships ).

The more shipyards you own, the greater the risk.
The more worlds you own, the lower the IP per world gained.
+0 / -0