Metal income based on ELO ensure:
1. Pros got the income to build the appropriate units
2. Newb is motivated to defend mexes for team's wellbeing
3. Pros do not blame Newbs for being a newbies
4. Newbs is not ostracized from any Pros' game
5. Pros can use strategy with consistent result
6. Newbs can learn how to be efficient with units
It will work in this situation:
1. 8 player Chicken game; "Defenses is under attack by lobber and no one has any units to counter them, fortunately one player saw this a-mile-away and has already deployed an appropriate countermeasure".
2. Normal team vs team game; "Everyone is having a headway pushing enemy team away from the frontline and they are slowy loosing ground, but suddenly the enemy came with dante and all our units fail, fortunately one of our player has seen this coming and build a countermeasure".
3. Small team vs small team; "A frontline guy glimpsed at a gunship but somehow decided not to queue AA, but another experienced-player in the team knows what is happening and decided to hoard AA".
Private owned mex is like FFA, but a shared mex is more like a team play, but giving extra metal to the pro player in the team is much more teamwork and not communism (communism is where everyone, even noob, get equal metal share).