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Players leaving at game start

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9 years ago
Lastly I have seen a huge wave of players (usually knobs) leaving before the game even laoded for them, or during game chatter. This spoils the balance of the match hugely. Its not significant in 10v10s, but it has great impact on match output in smaller teams.

In curent setup when the player leaves top player gets additional commander, income and factory, and is ''wierdly'' unwilling to restaert the game. I mean, if you leave before the game started it's yout team which should be worried of having one player less, not the enemy team.

If the game starts with both teams perfectly balanced as-
2000 elo + 1700 elo + 1500 elo + 1350 elo, the average elo is 1637.5. Perfect.

But if knob leaves, the average changes to 1800

1800 vs 1637.5? Ye, great, anyone wants to bet who'd win?

What I suggest is removing additional commander for top player, if any of their teammates leave before the game starts. IF you leave before start, make you team suffer, not the enemy one.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Or better yet, fix 98+ failing to launch properly for everyone.
+2 / -0
It's not launch fail... Its players leaving... They've been there for a moment, then they leave. Or they'd been playing previous battle, they didnt spec, and when the start poll passed, they left.

Or at least punish all players who refuse to exit such games...

Few days ago i was left with 4 coms in 5v6 battle, becsaue enemy team stalled exit vote...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
IF you leave before start, make you team suffer, not the enemy one.

Few days ago i was left with 4 coms in 5v6 battle, becsaue enemy team stalled exit vote...

Well... make up your mind?
+0 / -0
Well... make up your mind?

Try playing 1 (my teammates were both more uselss than NullAi) vs 6 on big map... It was CCR, IIRC.

Actually teammates didn't leave at teh very start... So I have no idea why I mentioned it. Fail ^^.
+1 / -0
Your suggestion was to punish the team that has leavers (by removing their commanders).
Then you bring the example of getting 5 commanders yourself because of leavers and proceed to complain about that situation.

Applying your suggestion, you would've had one commander instead, still against 6 players. Is that what you wanted?
+2 / -0
9 years ago
YE, you made me realize its not the commanders foult, its the players who refuse to exit such games.

I changed my mind, isntead of deleting thsoe commadners, punish all palyers who refuse , or stall exit votes in such games.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Punishment? Not brightest of ideas, mainly because of quite little playerbase, at least in my terms of community size. On the second hand, punishing leavers should be made. Resigning later on is one thing, leaving at start is other.
Punishing those who refuses to !exit is quite slippery slope. Overshot it, and no-one plays games larger than 3v3. Make it too soft, and nobody cares.
As for punishment for those who left game at start... well, i kind of lack idea how to pull it off. Forced spec for 5/10/20/40 and so on minutes? It would need some serious coding on the Springie host end, and that will not happen in immediate future.
/* rant end */
+0 / -0

9 years ago
If this should ever become a real issue (like it is in many other online multiplayer games), there are some decent solutions available I think.

For players leaving at or shortly after start (maybe a certain percentage of players leaving), inflict short-time matchmaking ban (yeah, I see you laughing, but I don't think the issue will really surface before we have a playerbase that can be force-matchmade) like 1 to x minutes and allow the others to leave at will (without punishment).
+0 / -0
Not sure if possible with lua/widget/enginecode/etc... , but if balance was done after all players are "in game" (after the spring engine finish the "starting" process), it would be nice.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
We've got some nasty culture happening. People are leaving in order to exert control over other players, or playing in deliberately risky ways knowing that if it goes wrong they can just quit and leave their team to deal with the consequences. It makes it almost impossible to play a straight up teams game at times (particularly since these members are some of our more prolific players). I'd like to see some measure taken to curtail player leaving, but understand that that's difficult.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Play 1v1, avoid nasty culture today!
+6 / -0
9 years ago
Play 1v1, avoid nasty culture today!

Remove team rooms - get rid of most of the problems, and most of the players as well.
+3 / -0

9 years ago
We don't need those casuals!
+1 / -0

9 years ago
So I'm guessing elo loss due to the team losing isn't punishment enough?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Elo loss is mostly considered a treat for 10v10 players.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Indeed, I think a large part of the tendency to troll then leave is to lower one's elo without actually having to experience losses. The losses don't count since there was only one thing that went wrong, and you weren't even trying anyway. Meanwhile, if things go right and your risk pays off, a whole bunch of noobers will develop acute her worship syndrome, and you'll be the talk of the town.

It's a difference in reward, many players mindlessly grind elo, while some players only feel like they're really winning if they're winning in style. If you want to win this way, elo is a hindrance since the teams will be stacked against you and you'll likely lose if your big play doesn't work out amazingly.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Elo loss is a bless, high elo is a curse ;)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I have a solution that will work!

If less than (<) 33% of players are afk from the game by the time the game starts, Springiee starts an !exit vote, and adds one "Yes" vote for each afk player!

If greater than (>) 33% of players are AFK from the game byt the time the game starts, Springiee immediately !exits the game!
+6 / -0