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people just start hostile to new players.

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this troll just because he play better he disegard noobs.
i hope lvl 200 players didnt get special previlege to get unbanned.
please ban firepluk.

i hope people will respect each other not insult them. bad comunity ruin the game.

you want game with many year development ruinded by this players?
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Probably better to simply report Firepluk than start (yet another) forum thread about him.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
You make forum thread over such a petty unoffensive line? You told him to shut up so it looks more like you are instigator there lol
+1 / -0

9 years ago
This does seem a little weak, especially since multiple peops were laying into sfire at the time.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Well I just said about my "experience" with other game ruiners(can't you believe but there are others) and got very meaningful "shut up"
+0 / -0
9 years ago
...why does thread exist...
+1 / -0
9 years ago
He didn't like my statement about printing his complains and use them as a toilet paper, obviously.
But if he made this they would find far better way to be useful :P
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Newfriends should get help they require and deserve. I've seen many players giving tips and words of advice to new players as well as many people projecting annoyed vibe towards them, with "gosh, newb on north" attitude.

It is in our common interest to help and guide them - new blood is just vital.
+2 / -1
6 years ago
Agreed, though you do realize that this thread is at least 3 years old, right?
+3 / -0
6 years ago
Agreed, though you do realize that this thread is at least 3 years old, right?

but still up to date


Newfriends should get help they require and deserve. I've seen many players giving tips and words of advice to new players as well as many people projecting annoyed vibe towards them, with "gosh, newb on north" attitude.

It is in our common interest to help and guide them - new blood is just vital.

frustrating when a new player in teamgames just dont want to listen.
tag them in a nice way its a bad idea to spam storages and they spam even more storages and tell you to watch your own units which are actually dying at the frontline because lack of energy caused by storage spam.
specially frustrating when its the 4th match in a row already.

tho i understand i wanted to try out units in team games first aswell instead of playing a campaign or something and got blamed for it too.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
That "lobby" takes me back lol
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I have to agree with MoM here.

Some new guys are really good and practically naturals.

Other guys just ruin games by doing ... nothing.

I've been in quite a few games where we made an early push, supported each other, and seemed like we were going to win, before the advance stalled in the face of superior numbers. I look at the back to see what units we can scrape together and, lo and behold, there's a guy with 20 storages and he's building more. There's already a bunch of comments from the other (new) players to please help out, and hes ignoring to build some monstrosity like Zenith.

I was in another game where a dude terraformed the bastille complete with ramps, solars and (of course) storages at his starting point. We would probably have won that one too if it wasn't for him dragging us down. I think it's fair to say that if that amount of metal and energy waste had been transformed into units the balance would have completely tipped.

I agree that one should be helpful and tolerant of new players and tactics, but there's some stuff that SIMPLY DOESNT WORK like building 100 solars for the win, or storages, or Bertha first thing on a map like Fairyland. Often guys don't listen when you tell them they are dragging the team down.

Maybe there should be an option for limiting players to a certain experience and / or rank level for multiplayer games, with the bar of entry rising as the size of the game rises. I think that by level 8-10 the guy should know what he's doing enough not to be an anchor.
+5 / -0
6 years ago
...or perhaps it'd be better if there was a way to report those kinds of "teammates" for, say, griefing, and for admins to apply appropriate degrees of punishments for such offenses.
+0 / -1

6 years ago
Are you people serious?

People need to learn. They do this by playing. You can't ban new players for being bad. That's how communities die. Rest assured that players that fail to learn will have their elo go down until their lack of contribution is counteracted by having stronger team-mates.

I mean, that game you talk about where the game was winnable if only he'd contributed. I imagine that means it was close? Because you shouldn't really be complaining about a close game that you lost... You'll lose half of all teams games by design, and not all of them will be close. Imagine how unbalanced it would have been if he did contribute?

So yeah, the problem is not bad players. It's bad players who start off with average elo, before it goes down. The problem is self correcting.

+3 / -0

6 years ago
Those games were 3v3 and 4v4 iirc Snugglebass. There's not much the matchmaker can do balance wise in that case.

But your comment is fair; guys have to learn.

I'm just salty about playing my best and getting creamed through no fault of my own, LOL.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
learn to ignore people you dislike
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Yeah I understand the salt. Think about the boat the people of higher elo are in though!

Godde needs to have a 1300mmr team mate (or the equivelent in multiple team mates) to balance himself out against two 2000mmr opponents. 2000mmr is quite competent (top 50), 1300 is someone who basically has either no understanding of the game, or a maladaptive understanding (see: spamming storages). He has to be as good as spamming storages is bad, every single game!

I understand that it can be frustrating, but trust me, there are a lot of people that are having to deal with a lot worse team-mate behaviour by virtue of their higher mmr. The only adaptive mind-set is to accept the reality of the situation and try to carry harder, this is what everyone of high mmr has to do.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
new blood is incredibly important. If you turn sour because your (new) mate can carry your team playing ass, maybe play some 1v1 instead and find out how good you really are...
+4 / -0
...or perhaps it'd be better if there was a way to report those kinds of "teammates" for, say, griefing, and for admins to apply appropriate degrees of punishments for such offenses.

So Zero-K can become like League of Legends? Yeah, no thanks. This is asking for "rush krow/singu/nux or I report you for not cooperating". Once you have a precedent like "new player not listening to advice", it's a short trip away from "people not doing what I want" or "They're not playing according to meta! Ban he."
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Good thread. Shaman is right, that's not the level of babysitting we want. I'd rather have sucky players as team mates that deal with that sort of poisonous environment.
+1 / -0
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