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Localserver (offline server)

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9 years ago
Hi guys! I'm working on a local server code for playing games offline. Also, since its local, some people may be able to connect over LAN.


Still working on it, but its almost done. If there's anything i'm missing in the code, let me know.
+0 / -0
it's almost done

Looking at https://github.com/ParzivalX/LocalServer/blob/master/Server, I believe you are "almost done" with binding a "hello world" style HTTP server to localhost. It is entirely unclear how this would accomplish what you mentioned.

Do you have experience with C#? Have you talked to a knowledgeable ZK dev about how to achieve this? By what reasoning did you arrive at the current implementation? Have you "sketched out" roughly the logic for your proposed feature? Why does it need to live in its own repository? How is this different from Skirmish mode (under Settings), and which parts of Skirmish's implementation can you reuse?

I'm making assumptions here, but given the evidence it looks like this is your first tangling with C#, and probably with programming at large. If so, I will tell you that this is far too much to bite off.

Instead, ask a Dev to point you towards a basic, introductory github issue that will let you get your feet wet. You will need to do lots of googling and reading. Before you embark on this journey you should learn:

- How to compile and execute a C# project (ZKL itself is a good one to start with :)
- How to research and use various APIs provided by C#, ZK, and other libraries.
- How to reason about what a given piece of C# will do in a certain context.

You should try writing some basic C# programs first, if you are unfamiliar with programming in general. This tutorial looks very promising: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa288436(v=vs.71).aspx

Please don't be discouraged. Programming requires tons of trial and error, and your ambition and resolve and analytical thought process all indicate that you will be a great programmer, once you get the basics down :)
+5 / -0
9 years ago
Ahhh k.... welp better look at these tutorials
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Also, under new in visual studio, what type of thing is it? I clicked command line and it didnt work.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
How is this different from Skirmish mode (under Settings)

since its local, some people may be able to connect over LAN.

ZKLS can already run locally though.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Actually, please be discouraged.
As kaen said, you seem to be a total novice, so I suggest you tackle things at your level. Writing network code is not it.
Get back to this after a year of hard work and study.

If that seemed too harsh, here's a smiley ('~`;)┌
+0 / -0
If that seemed too harsh, here's a smiley ('~`;)┌

This is actually the "try back later your a wub" face
+1 / -0
9 years ago
go into settings and therese a skirmisher button. you can set custom games there.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I know, but i was aiming for a server where you could have other people join you over LAN.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Can't you get the server code and run it locally?

You'd prob need to do some configuration, but that would be manageable.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
honstly zk needs a lot to run... nuff said about server... just use autohost you can host any spring game like that anyway
+0 / -0