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Nightwatch warns me about using Springlobby

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13 years ago
Today Nightwatch told me "WARNING: You are connected using SpringLobby 0.140 which is not fully compatible with this host. Please use Zero-K lobby. Download it from http://zero-k.info NOTE: to play all Spring games/mods with Zero-K lobby, untick "Official games" on its multiplayer tab. Thank you!"

That's great, but I'm on Linux and as far as I know the Zero-K lobby is Windows only. What incompatibilities can I expect? Is there any hope of porting the Zero-K lobby to Linux?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Basically there is an issue with SL and the juggler. It shouldn't be a problem in most cases, but should there be a sudden move of some sort and your not moved, that would be why. Gameplay wise there should be an effect.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Yeah unfortunately we cannot detect linux/windows so we cannot stop warning even people who are on linux and dont have a choice yet.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
is there a document for how !join should be implemented?
+0 / -0

13 years ago
but its really simple

if you receive:

!join hostname

from current host or from lobby admin
-> join the new hostname
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That's stupid.

Is it so hard to make a lobby in java or any other multi-platform language?

A lobby is only a lobby - it could even be an interface for the Spring-lobby hosting function.
It doesn't matter how performant it is - the CPU time is only a few percent.
The most weight I think has the chat refresh.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Anyone familiar with the springlobby source at all? I could help someone make a patch to submit to implement this (probably keeping it as an optional component since only zero-k would use it).
+0 / -0

13 years ago
if you implement this, just make sure to not blindly accept !join from anyone, or you will be trolled...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Hehe, yea a publically available trusted list would be good for that.

But first the motivation to start that...
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Sigh.. how about sheep, n2manian, read what I said..
you only accept !join from current battle host or from admin..
+0 / -0
13 years ago
There should be checkbox near I m ready, juggler, otherwise I dont buy it. Also by ticking juggler it sends silent private message to current host !juggleme or !dontjuggleme, on join it would send only !juggleme otherwise be silent so host would know lobby supports juggler or not.

And actually I m trying to implement this, but I m not good at programing at all, I made new list near ignonePm which users can juggle you, but I guess Licho idea is better(no messing with allow juggler list) but dunno about lobby admin, because we know licho habits to troll and send everyone to PW or something, but he can !troll using springie too then only juggler checkbox might be handy.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
is there a reason to accept it from any lobby admin and not just from current host?
+0 / -0

13 years ago

1) you want to allow this for human admins

2) you want one agent to work across multiple autohosts without the extra complexity and overhead of updating every autohost and making them sync with each other
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Lots of us use Linux also. There is some light on the horizon for linux because NotaLobby is shaping up pretty well and supports !join. I think Harvery has mentioned a lobby project also.

So sit tight for a bit and things should work out soon!
+0 / -0