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Can I play balanced anhilitation with this lobby?

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8 years ago
had a few fun games but then everyone decided it was more fun to spectate than play, which I dont really get. At this point with there only being 2 other people in the whole world of zero k who wanted to play on a friday night(my prime time gaming zone) I thought I might check out Balanced Anhilitation or Evo, but can I use this lobby, or do I have to quit?

Only reason I ask is, if a zero-k game becomes available I will play it, but I wouldnt mind hopping on to a differnt game while I am waiting, as Zero-k seems to be a bit of a speciality dish.
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8 years ago
Uncheck "official only" in Multiplayer tab, then Open a new battle and pick Balanced Annihilation from the list of games. Most of the BA players are on the SpringRTS server however, so you'll likely find more players using Weblobby or Springlobby.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Weblobby supports both Zero-K and the SpringRTS servers, right? Does that work at the same time or do you need two instances of the lobby open to do that?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
i used to just keep both lobbies (spring and zero-k) open but i don't bother anymore
+0 / -0
While you can make a private room with BA on ZK server at the same time ZKL doesn't provide faction choose mechanic thus unabling you choose CORE. Thus I would advise to play on Spring server not on ZK one.

I would recommend playin EvoRTS instead because it doesn't have the problem illustrated above. That is if you find a player to play against which is probably unlikely unless you ask them directly.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
While you can make a private room with BA on ZK server at the same time ZKL doesn't provide faction choose mechanic thus unabling you choose CORE. Thus I would advise to play on Spring server not on ZK one.
In BA you can choose the faction "ingame", so it is more mild annoyance than critical.
I would still advise to play on spring server because: On that server are Balanced Anhilitation 'autohosts', more players, replays, skill-system to balance teams.

I'd recommend springlobby: https://github.com/springlobby/springlobby/wiki/Install#Available_Packages which allows to play all games listed on https://springrts.com/wiki/Games
(except zero-K, in which case you have the similiar situation as on zK server when trying to play BA)
As US person it might be problematic that on both servers the peaktime for playing is at EU evenings/night. On spring server the peaktime is a bit "longer."
+0 / -0
8 years ago
thanks for the tips.I spent the last few days checking out the other games using spring lobby. Had a blast. Logged back in to zero-k tonight, and got 1 good game in, then had to leave for some family time.

When I came back there was not one game available at around 7pm. I know you cater more for Europe, but still, its kinda dissapointing. I dont think its worth me coming back for another look. Probably stick with the main Spring server for now, it seems a helluva lot more active (at least for us Yankees :) ) Thanks for the fun
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