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12 years ago
thats right Slaves to Armok God of Blood: Chapter 2 Dwarf Fortress ( Fortress Mode) Hurray for long names. Anyway if anyone wants to play succesion game sometime on the newest version mesage me sometime. Dont be a noob though
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Try Goblin Camp too: http://www.goblincamp.com/

You may like it.
Development of the game is slow, but it have a better UI.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
meh that looks terrable lol
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Its not bad, but DF is better.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
About time people started making DF clones, I'm surprised there hasn't been an explosion of the things, given how many Infiniminer clones there are (Of which minecraft is one and thus most are clones of clones).

DF is great, but there is so fucking much it does badly or haphazardly or not at all and other areas where it is much more complex than it needs to be for no tangible gameplay benefit. I miss having to flood your farms every year, the current food system is more complex than it used to be, but the simple fact that you don't have to flood your farms means you barely need to bother with the huge engineering and potentially hilariously disasterous aquaduct projects that used to be necessary- none of the added stuff has put in any kind of gameplay complexity, even grazing doesn't add more than occasional micromanagment.

Not that DF is bad, just that 100 games could be made out of just facet of that game.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Goblin Camp is licensed under the GPLv3, so if someone want to help them or make their own clone, feel free to do so.
+0 / -0
Hah, I just got off playing on my latest fortress when I saw this topic.

I've bought a Tigerman and a Hippo off the Elves today. I'm hoping I can train the Hippo in the art of war with the latest update regarding training animals.

If not, I'll begin breeding a horde of puppies to later become the meatshields of my military. I've begun to receive Goblin 'Nappers (They kidnap children) and Kobold thieves recently, which means I'll have to get some traps set up, or else I'll be completely unprepared for any ambushes that might come in a year or so.

Other than that, not bad. I've only had one death. A dwarf was struck with a mood. He demanded glass, which I didn't have, so he slowly began to go crazy.

After walling him in and placing a heap of guard dogs, in case he goes berserk and started punching people, I sat and waited. Fortunately, he went stark raving mad instead. Which means he stripped down naked and ran around the fortress until he fell over dead by starvation.

"My husband went insane and died! Oooh, shiny Legendary dining room."

Oh, and what did I trade for the mighty fine animals and food from the elves? Mugs. Mass-produced, identical, low-quality mugs.

You bring fine treasure, you say? Here, have a thousand stone mugs in return.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
"You bring fine treasure, you say? Here, have a thousand stone mugs in return."

Well at least you did pay them, most of time i did just steal from team, not sure if it still possible to do without getting caught.

The only time that i did pay them, as when i didn't want some stuff i steal, and used it to "pay" them back for something i wanted, but was too bored to steal.

Any way them are elves, thing from wood and animals them have thousand, but things from stone may have some value to them, only cause its different from what them manufacture, ie easy to sell in another elves town.

So them may just think them are rip off you, was you think you are rip off them.
+0 / -0

> I've bought a Tigerman and a Hippo off the Elves today. I'm hoping I can train the Hippo in the art of war with the latest update regarding training animals.


Wiki says you can't.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
we are so doomed.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Gameplay 100% different, but some roguelike i like too:



Pyromancer !:
“Pyromancer is a visually gorgeous, frantic point-and-click real time roguelike shooter. [...] It’s fast, mindless, fun and easy. “
+0 / -0
12 years ago
rocs seem so important and have high value nd pet multipliers but when an enemy one invaded I incappacitated it with like 5 rock fall traps
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Rockfall traps? You know the moment the goblins gets any reasonable armour, the stones aren't even going to scratch their paintjob, right?

Be careful, get some Serrated Disks.
+0 / -0
He was just saying a Roc died to five rock fall traps, no reason for qq. And if you really want players to have less fun, suggest cage traps, silly Janitor.

+0 / -0
Serrated disks? LESS FUN? It's merely a different kind of fun. Like how the disks simultaniously causes the goblin to explode in gore, sending it's limbs outwards and bathing the walls in blood and intestines.

But as a side-effect, making those things will cause your fortress value to skyrocket if you have a decent weaponsmith. Which in turn brings more ambushes.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
I never expected I would be able play Minecart Tyccon in DF so soon.

As for Goblin Camp while it is not bad game in itself, it doesn't compare to DF at all, has only very small fraction of DF features. But this is probably what its developer aims for and he does't do a bad job at it. But no, Goblin Camp has nothing to do with being DF clone. Still I would like to see such mouse interface in DF.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Dead goblins aint fun. Only with necromancers and I've never encountered those. :(
+0 / -0
"only very small fraction of DF features"

Agree, it is a "relatively new" project and its development is very slow too, so it's take a long time to get new features.


Its has been more than a year and them still did not implemented the default tileset. But you can add a custom one, it have support for this. ( http://www.moddb.com/games/goblin-camp/images/v015-camp-viewed-with-the-tileset-renderer )


But what will really made it never be a true DF clone for me its no Z levels.

If we get some ppl from Spring (Zero-k, BA, etc...) that like DF and want to make a True Open Source Clone with a better UI, that would be very nice, could start by looking at:

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Geez what's your problem with Z levels. DF didn't have them for half its lifetime. (didn't play it back them, but would if I had known of it)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
what do you mean DF didnt have Z levels? Everything was jsut one flat 2D world?
+0 / -0
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