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Request : Can you reveal to me the unit making modules/methods used to create original/custom units?

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6 years ago
I've always been interested in this game, but I would like to see more units be put to player style or faction style.
Can you allow people to use their own inventions and commanders too?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Not entirely sure what you're getting at but there are quite a few resources available to getting started with original and custom units.

Here is a nice overview/guide for all of the zero-k specific development. It should help you with where things should generally go in the source project.

If you're wanting to add new models/textures/animations/etc. Here is a list of programs that may be helpful in creating those things.

Additionally, for units & models you'll need to convert them into a format specifically suited for the spring engine. You'll need to use this tool (or the plugin which should also be available in the previous link) to do so.
+3 / -0
Thank you very much maackey.
The format that they're using isn't organized.
Maybe they aren't really making guides for unit makers.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Who are "they"? :P

Everyone can help out by adding to the wiki. I haven't made anything in a while; I didn't realize there wasn't a more detailed guide until I looked. I may start one if thats the case.

But the process is pretty straightforward:

1.) design your unit -- think about abilities, how it fits in with everything, shape, size etc.

2.) create a model of your design -- anything can be used for this, if you're new you might want to start with Blender as its free, and has a lot of bells and whistles that the really expensive software has. However, just remember that this comes with a somewhat steep learning curve, and may take some time getting used to. ***Keep in mind how you're going to animate the pieces for later***

3.) create a texture mesh of the model -- map out the 3d shapes to a 2d square surface. Whatever tool creates the model will have something for this. This is usually not too terrible once you get the hang of it, but its helpful to think about how the surface of your model will be applied to a 2d plane while creating it to make this step easy.

4.) make the texture -- using whatever image processor you want. Personally I use Gimp -- similar to Blender it has a ton of bells and whistles like Photoshop, without any of the cost. Theres a few different texture layers as well, to make your unit shiny/glowy/bumpy etc.

5.) upload the model into upspring -- you'll be able to name nodes and set the size and place emission points and stuff like that.

6.) create the animation -- I don't know if there is a tool for this, I never knew of any. Try to look for the animations of a similar unit as an example to start off from. Aside from the creation of the actual model, this is probably the most time intensive step. It helps if you know how to program, but the commands are pretty easy to understand; mostly just translation/rotation of pieces.

7.) create the unit definition -- again, copy/paste from another similar unit and tweak to your hearts desire.

8.) put all the files in the right place -- I'm not sure if the /cheat menu is dynamic or not, but there are commands to /cheat your unit into the game for testing, somewhere in the wiki.

It has been a while, I may be missing some stuff but I believe those are all the basic steps required to make stuff from scratch.

Good Luck!
+1 / -0
6 years ago
9. Convince the current developers (that is GoogleFrog) that your unit belongs to ZK and fills a certain niche in a factory.
+3 / -0
5.) upload the model into upspring -- you'll be able to name nodes and set the size and place emission points and stuff like that.

This step is optional and i would not advise this since engine has been supporting Collada for years now. Surely, most spring veterans prefer upspring and s3o, but then some of them also prefer 3do :P

6.) create the animation -- I don't know if there is a tool for this, I never knew of any. Try to look for the animations of a similar unit as an example to start off from. Aside from the creation of the actual model, this is probably the most time intensive step. It helps if you know how to program, but the commands are pretty easy to understand; mostly just translation/rotation of pieces.

Shameless self plug: blender2lus.

9. Convince the current developers (that is GoogleFrog) that your unit belongs to ZK and fills a certain niche in a factory.

If the unit has a good model, it may at least end up in the "unused" roster of "experimental" units and make it into missions, see Nebula for example.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
Thanks, EErankAdminAnarchid. I will definitely have a look at that plugin. Maybe I can make some properly awesome ships to test it out.

How exactly does the Collada import work? I don't think I've ever done this. I only mentioned upspring cause thats what I was familiar with -- I'd be super happy tossing it, just like the old cob/bos compiler when lua animations came 'round.
+0 / -0