I've tweaked the playerlist to add a few things:
* Elo ratings, colorcoded for low/avg/high
* Resources:
Metal in mobile units
Metal in defense
Metal income
Energy income
Metal and Energy storage fill bars
* Ally Team resources (same as above, totaled together for each allyteam)
* Moved the "Waiting"/"Aband. units"/"Dead" tags to a separate column as icons
* Reordered the columns a bit
I still need to clean up my code and fix some bugs, but here are some Work-In-Progress screenshots, taken from
Game start. Licho and TomFyuri are the high-rank players in white. The four low-rank players are in red. The three players not yet in game have "?" in the status column.

Early game. Team 1 is slightly ahead in units and income. Team 2 has built more defense, but it's a small amount in either case. A few players are close to E-stalling. Gewels and saylu (both low-ranked) have spare metal and need more buildpower. SchmiddiK just got wiped out by an early offensive and is only just starting to rebuild.

End game. Team 1 has rolled over Team 2. markivs and xponen are too busy destroying the enemy to add buildpower and so are excessing metal. Two of the Team 2 players have resigned; the "!!" in the status column shows they have abandoned units.

Game over. Team 2 resigned and their units were destroyed, earning each of them an "X" in the status column.
If there's any interest, I'll post the code once I've cleaned it up.