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Zero-K v1.0.6.8

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12 years ago
This release mainly exists to fix the invulnerable Annihilator change of v1.0.6.6. Rapier is also slightly de-nerfed and maybe people won't cringe when new players make Archer.


  • Revert range nerf (320 -> 340)
  • Reduce damage nerf (180 -> 190)
  • Speed nerf instead (4 -> 3.9)

  • Generates water at 1/8th rate when on land.
  • 33% more impulse.
  • 16% more damage.


  • Annihilator is no longer invulnerable to most weapon types.
  • Underwater health regen disabled for unbuilt and emped units.
  • Fixed mah partially drawn relay lazor.
  • Fixed some torpedo sounds that were accidentally played globally.
  • Fixed rare player list problem.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
doesnt this make archer op?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
probably not
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It will as soon as another engine release comes out that changes impulse damages again.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Engine impulse is so broken that gravity guns and Archer use my own implementation.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That's epic. The very first time I used Archers I instantly fell in love with them. After the first buff I told everyone it wasn't needed and that Archer can be insanely powerful when used well - I often use them myself on river heavy maps when going amphs (IsisDelta's probably the best example). It has been buffed at least two more times ever since.

Maybe instead of buffing the already op Archer it's time to make other amphs less viable? Don't get me wrong, I totally love Archers and appreciate any buffs to units I like- and others fail at using, but this is starting to get silly.

And while I'm talking about amphs: I want shotguns to have a little bit of impulse! It doesn't make sense how a heavy load full of shotgun projectiles smashing against (and beyond) a units body don't even push it back a tiny bit. Besides, it needs some non-aoe, non-newton weapons with impulse anyway!
+0 / -0
That shotguns cause knock-back is a myth. Also 'It doesn't make sense' arguments like that are not gameplay arguments and are thus invalid.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
amphibs have combat viable units other than bouy, angler & grizzly? sounds unlikely
+0 / -0
12 years ago
It's not a myth, it's science Sak. Lern 2 physics.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>It's not a myth, it's science Sak. Lern 2 physics.

If it's not a Myth, then why did the Mythbusters test this one out twice?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Also, I own about a dozen guns and have been shooting everything from .177 pellet guns up to 10 gauge magnum shotguns. I've put a lot of holes in a lot of different things, and they really don't move all that much.

I tried to estimate the volume of the ballistics gel in this video and game out with about 28 000 cubic centimeters. Ballistics gel has an average density of 1.3 g/cm^3, which gives a mass of about 36 kilos, or about half of the mass of an average human. You can see after he hits the gel with 00 buckshot (the type of ammunition commonly used in video games)it has almost zero movement away from the shooter.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
(...) it has almost zero movement away from the shooter

It was nearly sent flying. The reason it didn't move is the fact that it's gel, thus it's got more footing than anything else which is not fastened. So what the fock are you talking?

The first two links you shared fail at physics (to put it politely) and have nothing to do with what I suggested.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
He gives the weight of 43 pounds, 1/4th the average human weight. So it might stagger you.

Either way, robots, and irrelevant, because gameplay.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Not to have an e-peen contest here, but just how many guns have you fired in your life? I've fired literally over ten thousand rounds of various ammunition types from various types of guns, including a fully automatic weapon. A shotgun isn't some sort of magical damage monster that video games and movies make them out to be. A bunch of us at some gun forums had a good laugh when this comic was published because it so perfectly describes shotguns in video games. In real life, when I shoot stuff with my 12 gauge (or my cousin's 10 gauge magnum (OWW MY SHOULDER)) it doesn't go flying around. It might knock over the smaller targets and the larger targets may move a bit, but it's not enough to be considered knockback in the way you want it.

As for muzzle energy:
A 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell delivers slightly less energy than a .308 rifle, which is a very common caliber for marksman/sniper/hunting applications. Why don't gauss weapons have any knockback?

As Sak said, it's a video game. I like the balance of the current shotgun and dislike knockback mechanics in general. Keep shotgun how it is.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Explosions don't really send things flying either - at least, not things that they haven't already damage so severely that the "sent flying" part isn't completely redundant.

If we're going to have units get knocked about by explosions, knocking them about with the direct weapon impact makes just as much sense.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
All our units are made of the lightest alloys.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Anything that shoots a projectile that knocks back its target is going to itself be knocked back by shooting the projectile [*]. Because physics.

But irrelevant because gameplay.

[*] assuming the shooter is of similar mass to the target and is not anchored etc etc but the point is that if getting hit by a shotgun were enough to send you flying then shooting it would send you flying too because like I said physics
+0 / -0
Not exactly true it also depends on the amount of time in which that energy is released.

Arent they made of that carbon nanotube steel?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>it also depends on the amount of blah blah blah

Yes, yes, that's included in the "etc etc" that I mentioned. Doesn't change the bottom line.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Why do you think guns have a barrel then?
+0 / -0
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