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New missile for Nuke Silo

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I've been thinking about how Nuke/Anti Nuke interactions could be made more interesting.

I thought it would be interesting to have a second missile available to the Nuke Silo - a cheaper decoy missile without a warhead.

This would make it possible for players to "scout" for Anti-missile presence by firing a dummy missile first; or easier for two Nuke Silo to brute force one Anti-nuke by allowing one of them to cheaply decoy Anti-missile projectiles.

Since Nuke is intended to be an end-game weapon, this would make Nuke vs Anti warfare more of a slippery slope and add a bit more room for counter play vs a relentlessly turtling opponent with multiple inaccessible anti-nukes.

Plus it could make a comedy "dropped accordion" noise on impact.

Generally having some cool endgame alternative missiles available in the Silo (all the same cost or greater, all blocked by anti) seems like a low-cost low-effort source of cool and lols. Like an enormous implosion, an enormous impulse or a tine AOE hyper damage singularity missile.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I have a better idea for the new missile - one that doesn't require a silo to launch it.

+9 / -0
6 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid, here we call that one puppy ;)
+0 / -0
Okay. Non-replicating nuclear puppy on tank treads with zero flight range.
+2 / -0
6 years ago
Okay. Non-replicating nuclear puppy on tank treads with zero flight range.

Skuttle finally has a big brother.
+2 / -0
Loving the menacing look of it. Is it gonna open at some point, as you took the effort to model the innards as well?

Edit: And does it have a name yet?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Yes, the idea is that it opens when given a Detonate order, first sliding the side doors down, then opening the middle capsule and exposing the shiny core which proceeds to glow intensely. This should take maybe up to a couple seconds.

The fluff is that it's just an antimatter transport with an emergency cargo dump option that sometimes comes handy. I'm unsure whether detonation is a weapon-thing (and can be prevented by killing it in time), or a bomb thing (and killing it just makes it go off sooner).

As to names, i have two candidates in mind.
Sprawler - because it's very heavily inspired by the Sprawler Juggernaut from Dark Reign 2
Fatboy - because many TA-like games games have a fatboy, but this one is also a bomb.

+2 / -0
that would be an awesome Tank unit.

I'd suggest killing it = much smaller blast.

It would just be used for teamkilling, of course.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I like Fatboy as a combination of Little Boy and Fat Man.

Monolith was the first name that came to my mind as I was thinking of names based on Trinity.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I haven't been a 0-K player for long but I think this would be a great option! Maybe if it was added some other suicide units could be nerfed (maybe a speed or explosion radius reduction) to encourage use of this unit.

Also, personally, I think it should be a sort of weapon-like detonation, where killing it prevents it from exploding or just makes a much MUCH smaller explosion.

I think it would encourage more land battles, since most of the time my games devolve into strider battles, but with this new unit, you would be encouraged to use maybe a sizable land force to escort it to the enemy front lines or base and detonate it.
+0 / -0
Just fix detri already!
COST -> 6k-8k
INSTANT SELFD (like skittle)

This could make porc castles an obsolete design and any army would be fast enough to avoid explosion ...
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Yes, and a more fitting model :P
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Sorry if this puts the thread back on its track again somewhat, but I think a decoy missile is not a bad idea, except that it should look like a lobster in sunglasses and a bomber jacket.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
I am with Firepluk on fixing Detriment but I think it needs a melee attack that does impulse damage and smooths the ground a lot. It needs to be able to knock terraformed porc right over and blow up the base.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
>Introduce MIRV missile who have three active nuke warheads or one active and two decoys. And player can choose where target each missile. And silo + missile cost more.
>Make antis missile cost resources and add antis ability to intercept also silo missiles.

>Give funnelweb antis with shorter range as antis and ability to intercept only one nuke at once.
>Make mobile tacnuke unit for ground.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I like that nuclear crawling bomb / doomsday device!

I'd make it heavily armoured and really slow, so as to have some interesting drama as teams try to kill it before it reaches their critical areas.
+0 / -0
I'd make it heavily armoured and really slow, so as to have some interesting drama as teams try to kill it before it reaches their critical areas.

It can't be much slower than a Djinn.

Doomsday Device is also a good name candidate though!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think the idea of arming the nuke is a good idea.
The nuke will not go off unless it is armed. Like the nuke takes X seconds to arm and after that, the nuke will explode even if the unit is destroyed. This also means that you can stack them safely in the base.
To prevent a noob trap, you probably want attack commands to start arming the nuke automatically.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
On the OP, I don't see the benefits of decoy missiles outweighing the increase in UI complexity that would be required (see Missile Silo). I really like the simplicity of Nuke Silo, you build it, leave it to do its own thing, and later tell it to attack a location. Nuke is not primarily intended to be an endgame weapon, it is intended to create more targets of high importance (anti-nukes) within opponents bases. Having a nuke confers an advantage, but I don't want it to be any more of a slippery slope.

Would a decoy missile even be any good? What sort of stats would it need to be superior to 1000 metal of scouts? Remember that a decoy missile can only find one anti-nuke, does not reveal its location, and requires Silo-BP, which is much more valuable than regular buildpower. If nukes need buffing, why not buff them in a different way? This sounds like a suggestion to give energy structure an overcharge ability which increases their energy output but makes the energy only available for overdrive. Technically it is a buff, but it is a UI nightmare, and if I wanted to buff overdrive I would do take another approach.

I am also not in favour of multiple missile types, for similar reasons. The more interesting aspects of nuke play occur before impact, in the maneuvering required to sneak a nuke through. The details of the type of destruction caused by a nuke impact matter less than the fact that an impact occurred.

Big Skuttle seems like a good idea, but may be difficult to balance. What is the counterplay to launching this with a Newton ramp? If it only costs 3k-5k it sounds cheap and light enough to launch. Perhaps it needs to be on firm ground for some amount of time to activate its denotation.
+3 / -0
6 years ago
I think instead of tracks maybe the heavily armoured nuke could be similar to a Jugglenaut variant. I think having the jump might be considered OP, but if it can self detonate at any time and any enemy that kills it will set it off then I think having a jump wouldn't be to much to ask. How easily a gnat farm could kill it if it was alone, and the extreme risk of any units escorting it, makes this a unit that could be viable. Even if it wasn't a jumpy boy I think on treads aswell it could be great. Maybe like half damage from explosives also as another assurance. Maybe call it something like "The Roach" and make it able to survive a nuke blast at close range. Imagine the game of kick ball that would happen if one came onto the field. Enemy trying their all to get it out of their base and enemy giving their all because any units near it will die anyways and everyone knows it. If it was 8k metal and slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww then I could see a lot of fun with it. Maybe 10k metal? Maybe im just hoping for some new units and willing to cheer on anything interesting.
+0 / -0
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