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Massive lags

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5 years ago
Massive slow down of game after some time (10-20 minutes) for all players. Many people seemed to have a CPU problem, and even after pausing some time (all cpu back to green), when unpaused, speed remained very slow.

Games exited, so can't put a link to the replay. Watching replay still shows massive slowdown.

Does any of the above makes sense to come up with a probable cause and fix?
+2 / -0
Keep Cobbling.

+2 / -0
Post the replay. It will have been saved locally in demos.

You could also help the benchmarking here: zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/28646
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Here are the replays, in one I was a spec, in the other a player:


Can't run the benchmark for next 2-3 days (traveling a bit). Will do it next week if there is no conclusion...
+0 / -0
Thanks for the report. I found the issue.

It should be fixable. I had not gotten around to trying.

For now here is a workaround:
+7 / -0
5 years ago
Great you found it! How do you enable the detailed engine profile (tried to look yesterday in the widget list & around but could not find it)?

Damn, I have noticed some strange gausses firing in the back, but thought it was just someone playing simcity or over-reacting to some raids...

+0 / -0
5 years ago
i like the workaround
+3 / -1
Fixed https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/9233ae9493e22fc9098c83785be9759e2e5b1fc6

Debug view is Ctrl+Alt+N or maybe just Alt/Ctrl+N.
+0 / -0
5 years ago
I was going to report it.. after maybe one more game. Oh well. Do I at least get an early unban if it's fixed?
+0 / -0
No. You already have a history of anti-social behaviour. You wasted far more than a weeks worth of dev and player time.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
workaround shud stay even after fix. just to be secure
+0 / -1
5 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
Not my fault your game is buggy/unbalanced as hell my dude. Be glad I found it and only used it for 2 games and not 30
+1 / -9
5 years ago
I can't understand why you did that, so maybe you can explain.

From my point of view, when I find a bug I try to reproduce it locally (not with 24 people that do not know we are testing), then report it, then test when a fix is proposed.

What I think you did: found some bug, broke (at least) 2 games, without getting anything out of it (or are you working for some RTS competitor?).

What you could have easily done not to get everybody angry: test yourself locally, tell people you know when this happens, ask someone to make a bug report.

And regarding your last post: you are free to play something else, or fix it. If you annoy the admins they are free to ban you. So it is not about "fault" it is about result of actions (sometimes called responsibility).
+3 / -0

5 years ago
ROrankDr0ppy if you're trying to make yourself look better, you are failing abysmally. By your logic you would be acquitted for murder because you are not to blame for people not being bulletproof. Before you get into too much trouble you should learn that much of civilization continues to function through respect and norms rather than physically unbreakable rules.
+1 / -0
5 years ago
Listen AUrankAdminGoogleFrog If I am antisocial why does Firepluk or moepmoep not have any bans? they're constantly toxic and don't play for their team. I at least play for my team and try to win, maybe not by doing the best of stuff, but I do at least help somewhat. These 2 eat metal, go troll, feed enemy metal when their comm dies, and they get 0 penalties, not even a warning.
+0 / -3

why does Firepluk or moepmoep not have any bans?

really? cant count all the punishments
but yeah Firepluk and moepmoep are toxic, driving new players away, ban them
+1 / -0

5 years ago
Nobody is here to defend Firepluk or ESrankmoepmoep, yet you are either misrepresenting their ban history or have really not been paying attention. Those two mostly rage, bully, and selfishly execute bad/risky strategies against the wishes of their team. these anti-social behaviours should be curtailed, yet I put them on a different level to repeatedly and intentionally breaking the whole game for everyone. You were not 'merely' unpleasant or abrasive, you were wasting everyone's time.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
Was this the multiple mex bug again?
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Was related to gauss, see https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/3550
+0 / -0
5 years ago

Not my fault your game is buggy/unbalanced as hell my dude. Be glad I found it and only used it for 2 games and not 30

ok youre not a zenfur. but others get a week ban for exploits aswell. same for me with mex stacking
+0 / -0
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