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Something has to be done about ban evading trolls

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5 years ago
Dr0ppy keeps making new accounts and trolling in games, he got banned and was back a minute later. Worse yet, his friends refuse to kick him from games that he's ruining.

People should not encourage this behavior and idly watch as he does whatever he wants.

+0 / -0

5 years ago
Guy with 1000+ games has main account perma blocked because he acts out. Feels like game has broken up with him, feels ever more insignificant. all those hours, months of evenings for net nothing, leaving with his name struck from the community. Now only way to get feeling of control back is to own the idea of behaving badly and ruining games as his persona. As revenge. Maybe after enough of this it will feel like he left on his own terms, rather than after being divorced by the game because he didn't measure up. Just another sad story of a lonely introvert.
+1 / -0

5 years ago
dude.. dr0ppy got permabanned because he was abusing an exploit that crashed/desynced the game whenever his team lost.
+2 / -0

5 years ago
To clarify further, Dr0ppy has a long history of verbally abusive behaviour, was temp-banned twice for game-wrecking exploit abuse, was perm-banned on the third occasion, and has gone right on wrecking games on several smurfs since.

crashed/desynced the game whenever his team lost.

Or whenever he suffered a personal setback.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Fucking romanians
+6 / -0

5 years ago
ha! ROrankSigero is a new ROrankDr0ppy smurf! confirmed!
+5 / -0