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graphic bugs

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4 years ago
Hi guys. I have many graphical bugs - especialy bugs of game interface. sometimes unreadable fonts. sometimes I cannot see teraform plans. In last days I have worst one - I lost whole menu in middle of game. so game is unplayable since then (very anoying). Do you have any idea what I can do? Some hotkey to reset interface?? I remember I found something on spring forums with advice to update drivers, but I have all drivers up to date.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
F5 switch off UI interface. If this not working then try reset UI.
To reset UI you type '/luaui reload' command.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
It looks like you don't have shaders so I wouldn't hope for much. If you get an error like this then close the game and click yes to any automated crash report that pops up. Post a link to it here.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
so /luaui reload is not helping. strange bug.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Press F11 to switch back into the lobby and go to Help -> Report a Bug. Post a link to the report here.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
so I made this bug report. https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/CrashReports/issues/31846
I did not expect to see something there, but there are some errors, which seems to be linked with my problem. looks like something with shader. so I need some shader alternative?

Error: [ITreeDrawer] exception "[AdvTreeDrawer] missing shader support"; falling back to BasicTreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Error: [SH::CreateProgramObject] hardware does not support creating (ARB) program-object "DecalShaderARB"
[f=-000001] Error: [SH::CreateProgramObject] hardware does not support creating (GLSL) program-object "DecalShaderGLSL"
[f=-000001] Error: [SH::CreateProgramObject] hardware does not support creating (ARB) program-object "DecalShaderARB"
[f=-000001] Error: [SH::CreateProgramObject] hardware does not support creating (GLSL) program-object "DecalShaderGLSL"

[f=-000001] [Outline No Shader] Error: Outline widget: cannot create shaders. forcing shader-less fallback.

Error in [Outline Shader] widget: Deferred shading is not enabled or advanced shading is not active
[f=-000001] [Color Blindness Correction] Error: removing widget, no shader support
+0 / -0
GL renderer : Intel(R) HD Graphics 520
my guess ur gpu settings are fked up

found this post

Problem solved, my laptop uses Optimus technology, that means you have to switch the use of the nvidia graphics card to play 3d games, normally the integrated graphics chipset is used. I completely ignored it.

To solve the problem, you have to install bumblebee and run springlobby with the command:
optirun springlobby
+0 / -0
4 years ago
thanks for help guys. seems you pushed me to read log and then I went to graphic options. I switched on compatibility mode, experimental interface render and ati/intel compatibility. graphic issue is solved and game runs stable again. thanks again!
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