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Suggestion - Mid-Game Joiners for certain game types

9 posts, 745 views
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4 years ago
I thought it might be an interesting mechanic to allow new players to drop into a game in progress, with some caveats.
Firstly, it would only be possible if enabled, and only default to on in versus AI/Chicken games.
Secondly, your commander would need to be constructed at the point of deployment rather than popping in instantly, slowly on its own, or assisted by established allies by speeding up the process with constructors or gifting you units.

This would be especially good for something like a perpetual "Galactic Conquest" game mode, so you could jump in to the defense or assault of a planet in progress, versus AI but with a grand strategy element to it. Do you join your allies in a fight to try and turn the tide, or deploy to another sector on your own to defend a planet with key resources until reinforcements can arrive?
+3 / -0

4 years ago
As far as I know its technically possible, and just requires someone to write and test a gadget. Getting your commander ingame seems a bit trickier though.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I think this is a cool mechanic and IIRC, it has been discussed already. Challenges are balancing it and programming it.

One might say that balancing coop and planetwars is not as important as other games, but still something to consider. It's also worth thinking about how it could be balanced for team games and FFA. That's not easy.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
The major problem is balancing teams with uneven players. Not to mention adding teams to spring. Spring expects the team count to be static. There are 14 players -> 14 teams per game. At best you can use assignplayertoteam (see: commshare).
+1 / -0
Infinite pot FFA mode. Players can parachute com into game at any time. Beaten players can also immediately parachute back in. Last player standing wins!
+2 / -0

4 years ago
I have an enhancement in the hellforge right now. I think you'll like this: Players in an FFA zombie match when defeated/joining commshare onto the zombie team.
+2 / -0
4 years ago

That sounds really fun actually! I particularly like game features that keep people active in the game, and letting late joiners in on the action.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Its on the back burner though as far as development efforts are going. Right now I want to finish sweep fire and overshoot.
+0 / -0
19 months ago
Can we please have this? Computers have become so fast, catching up is quick now. Would be fantastic to join a cooperative vs AI/Chicken which is already in progress. Happens all the time people are just a few minutes too late to join and with this they can still play.

Maybe we could start a funding campaign within the community to boost development for this feature???
+0 / -0