Hi, i want to present 2 points of shield remake which i had on my mind. #1: If you build more than few shields in one place, you almost cant see through. My proposal is to make disappear inner structure of bunch or better this:  Only for aegis, i think that for shield bots it would take too much performance. #2: Let the connected shield share drained power but make them weaker as single one. #3: Make possible to morph shield who took a lot of damage, morph into new stronger, unlockable (500 points?) shield.  The big shield would be wunerable from top, where is hole. Not major point of my proposal, just want some discusion.
+0 / -0
The stacked shields bothers me too, but I think you can't fix it because it's an engine thing.
+0 / -0
#1 would be unintuitive because shields would still block in a sphere and block between themselves. #2 needs to be more specific. #3 I don't like increasing power from use because then your opponent has to concentrate to make sure they don't attack your shield. Also an open top is infeasible.
+0 / -0
I'd be happy if the functionality was changed so that once you are inside the protecting 'bubble' the shields no longer block you (IE, they do not block as a sphere). Running under a shieldball and then being sorrounded on all sides by more shields kind of defeats the point of being able to get under shields in the first place. Of course, that would require a lot of changes, I suspect a lot of lua, and probably wouldn't be worth it for time or performance.
+0 / -0
Saktoth, it'd be worth it for the visuals. :)
+0 / -0
one spheric shield at median point covering all the merged-shield units would work too, imo, and be a lot easier to implement/faster to render.
+0 / -0
[GBC]spreng: you cant do just bigger sphere, what if are shilds in line? would be spehere at whole map.
+0 / -0
quote: you cant do just bigger sphere, what if are shilds in line? would be spehere at whole map. |
Obviously, that would imply some threshold for linking. Like "if two shield units can be covered by one shield through increasing the shield size by 10% on either and placing the shield emit point at median, do that"
+0 / -0
How about something like this  It's an engine shield, it doesn't obstruct view from top while still showing coverage from the sides.
+0 / -0
That would be epic, although I would prefer it it went up a bit higher so we can see some cool shield graphics.
+0 / -0
Another example  The only issue i can think of is the transparent top being unintuitive, but rarely does one see shots coming from high enough an angle for it to matter, as the vast majority of shots are low-angle anyways. This fade can of course be combined with current noise texture.
+0 / -0
Yes! That looks very good. Try adding it to the current texture and show pics. Also show multiple shields together.
+0 / -0
Hi    Sprung, sorry for being OT in this thread, but I am not sure you noticed, that you playing AMK77 in the 1400-1600 turney is required since some time. Haven't seen you in this thread. Are you still interested or shall we just take you out?
+0 / -0
Either way, though, any shield is going to be somewhat obstructing of the view if there's enough of them. Would it be possible to spawn a special CEG (proportional to weapon damage) when the weapons hit the shield? Then even a barely-visible shield would at least be readily apparent to the player when they start seeing projectiles visibly fizzling into energy.
+0 / -0
@pxtl this would look epic. i guess it would also be very cpu-intensive...
+0 / -0
There are unitscript callbacks for being hit from a certain direction. Not sure about, but i think some interception callbacks exist for shields, too. With some optimization (i.e, don't spawn new ceg for each glaive shot, etc) that could work, but i'm talking out of my ass here since that mystical callback might not exist after all.
+0 / -0
I'm 100% behind OP's #1 proposal. As sak mentioned the functionality would change (for the better) as shield deathballs could be more easily counterable if you got under the outer layer, rather than having to cut through the entire onion so to speak. I also really love Sprung's bubbletop. It is not unintuitive and looks great.
+0 / -0
Delete this thread! While shields merging might be cool looking but it would definitly eat huge amount of FPS, also would nerf them and they already are not that OP how everyone says here, just use roach mines or ticks whole ~5k m shieldball can be killed in ~500 m roaches, or emped with even less ticks. And sprungs TOP bubble looks crappy and you think that you can shoot over top = confusing.
+0 / -0
Actually skuttle costs 500m. Roaches counter glaives for cost, they are a bit OP imo, and so are ticks. Spherical-merge i mentioned above would probably not be such a hit on FPS and would allow to get rid of that stupid mechanic where you need to place mines to stop the shieldball - allowing the stinking bombs to be nerfed.
+0 / -0
And why you would want to send skuttles against shieldbal? I said roaches and I mean that. Maybe you misunderstood. ~500m in roaches.
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