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Every 5 minutes receiving ally units

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3 years ago
Can I somehow disable this absolute bullshit feature where I get 1000 messages about receiving units because x noob decided to afk for the 10th time? I do not want to control their toddler base or babysit their frontline.

It's enough of a penalty to get the lowest ranks on my team because of higher rank, I don't want to be constantly pestered by the UI on top of it.
+7 / -1
3 years ago
I think it is far preferable to having the units just sit idle or just die cause they end up out of position.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Maybe a config button for "i do NOT want to receive afk ally units", so next high ELO player is chosen.
+6 / -0

3 years ago
+2 / -1
It's not a brag, it's desperation. It tilts me like nothing else to have someone on my team going afk every few moments only for me to receive their crap.

I can't use their units because any moment the player can come back and they can end up out of position and die, feeding enemy metal. Reclaiming them just lowers my team total value as it doesn't return the whole cost. I lose time and concentration by having to pay attention to the constant ping sounds, only to realize it's just the same player afking and not someone pinging something important.

I'd welcome if I could just disable any form of notification that I received afk units. Or let me KEEP all mobile units after I control them for a minute, don't have them flip flop between me and the afk player.
+9 / -0

3 years ago
I fixed this problem by playing @ATOSTIC 20 times in "1v1 casual-elo".
+2 / -2
3 years ago
Actually the fact that they are given back is the worst, because you spent maybe 30 seconds fixing their ordersinto something that makes sense for the game state, and then suddenly, they get the units back and continue their general fuckaroundery, and you have just wasted 30 seconds with less attention to your own front.

Just make it permanent or only give back commander imo. If they want to request the units back give them a button for that.

+9 / -0
the new thing where all units you get get put on wait is great,now you dont have to spend a few moments stoping the bullshit from wasting your metal.What i would change is that when you get afk players in the begining of the game you also get theyre stored metal that would help high rank players make some rush early game to offset not having 1-3 players.

another thing to maybe make afk players consider theyre choices is getting auto vote kicked after 3 minutes
+6 / -1
3 years ago
Dave[tB] post is great! Here's a variation on the idea:

- Add a button "give me this unit", you can select a unit and ask for it, owner gets a yes/no popup, if click yes unit ownership is transferred. I think this would be useful also in other situations like if I do a com rush I sometimes need to ask team for a solar or something, this would make it much easier to ask.

- If player afk for 30 sec units put on pause, if afk for longer than 3 min or something then they get perma transferred and if player comes back he has to ask for units back.

"Asking" units is better than "giving" units because the asker gets the onus in micro have to click the right units etc and the giver just have to click yes. It's way easier than having to select unit and click give button with micro cost for the giver.
+6 / -2

3 years ago
Add a button "give me this unit", you can select a unit and ask for it, owner gets a yes/no popup, if click yes unit ownership is transferred. I think this would be useful also in other situations like if I do a com rush I sometimes need to ask team for a solar or something, this would make it much easier to ask.

I see no way that this could possibly abused to annoy other players. /s
+2 / -0
Honestly its not even a good feature

I think a simple "take" button would be better (as it was originally), that way people that actually want to receive the units can get them instead of someone on the other side of the map who never wanted the units in the first place.

Since lobster pot is the primary gameplay of ZK, its not helpful to overwhelm 1 player with the units of 15 other players randomly resigning or afking temporarily.

Not to mention I cant even alt tab without it randomly giving away all my resources
+2 / -0
3 years ago
I like the current behavior.
+1 / -0