Dave[tB] post is great! Here's a variation on the idea:
- Add a button "give me this unit", you can select a unit and ask for it, owner gets a yes/no popup, if click yes unit ownership is transferred. I think this would be useful also in other situations like if I do a com rush I sometimes need to ask team for a solar or something, this would make it much easier to ask.
- If player afk for 30 sec units put on pause, if afk for longer than 3 min or something then they get perma transferred and if player comes back he has to ask for units back.
"Asking" units is better than "giving" units because the asker gets the onus in micro have to click the right units etc and the giver just have to click yes. It's way easier than having to select unit and click give button with micro cost for the giver.