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Commander/Modules Statistics

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12 years ago
I think interesting information for all players would be to see statistics for every player's commander layout and what modules they used. Would a kind Administrator post the % use for each commander/module/weapon?

Some quick suggestions for filtering the data to show different usage:
* Players level 1-10, 11-30, 31+
* ELO 1600+
* Commanders & layouts used in winning games in the last year
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Player level means nothing. And actually good players dont morph coms at all with rare exceptions or basic lvl1 coms which isint morph at all.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Player level means nothing

It means availability of modules!
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah good players don't morph past lvl1, and in lvl1 they use Energy Cell + some cheap weapon.

If you want statistics of what wins games the answer is:
Units do.
Commanders don't.

There is a reason people who frequently morph coms to high levels all have <1500 elo - morphing comm above lvl1 is in 99% cases waste of resources that could be spent more efficiently.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Now that we've got the L1 morph, do players even still use the E-cell? I mean, before the E-cell made sense since it was paying out from the first second of play... now that you have to morph to get it, I don't generally bother with it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I understand the decision to still morph L1 E Cell is that it enables the com to more rapidly take territory, rather than sit in base building 4 solars before going anywhere. It may not be as cost effective as the solars, but if getting a few defenders on that hill in mid before the other guy depends on being there 30 seconds before him, then I think it is unquestionably worth it. For a support com that is tending an airplane base though, I don't get the logic.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Energy Cell is MORE effective than solars.
It costs 180 and gives +6E, while for the same effect you would need 3 solars which cost 210.
So you save both resources and time.
+0 / -0
Solars Cant walk either!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
... and don't attract bombers like a magnet :D
+0 / -0
11 years ago
And com energy cant be used for overdrive/linking E.
+0 / -0
@KingRaptor actually created the statistics

Number of accounts to process: 139
Number of comms to process: 622

MODULE: Shotgun
Instances: 175
Total cost: 17500

MODULE: Rocket Launcher
Instances: 33
Total cost: 3300

MODULE: Heavy Machine Gun
Instances: 94
Total cost: 9400

MODULE: Gauss Rifle
Instances: 153
Total cost: 11475

MODULE: Heat Ray
Instances: 33
Total cost: 3300

MODULE: Beam Laser
Instances: 169
Total cost: 8450

MODULE: Slow Beam
Instances: 58
Total cost: 4350

MODULE: Riot Cannon
Instances: 61
Total cost: 4575

MODULE: Concussion Shell
Instances: 54
Total cost: 4050

MODULE: Cluster Bomb
Instances: 11
Total cost: 825

MODULE: Disruptor Bomb
Instances: 16
Total cost: 2000

MODULE: Sunburst Cannon
Instances: 22
Total cost: 4400

MODULE: Hellfire Grenade
Instances: 10
Total cost: 1250

MODULE: Lightning Gun
Instances: 57
Total cost: 5700

MODULE: Disintegrator Gun
Instances: 31
Total cost: 7750

MODULE: Assault Cannon
Instances: 56
Total cost: 5600

MODULE: Missile Launcher
Instances: 44
Total cost: 3300

MODULE: Torpedo Launcher
Instances: 102
Total cost: 10200

MODULE: Beam Laser (Red)
Instances: 0
Total cost: 0

Number of accounts to process: 139

CHASSIS Battle Commander : 136
CHASSIS Recon Commander : 143
CHASSIS Support Commander : 201
CHASSIS Strike Commander : 91
CHASSIS Bombard Commander : 51

+0 / -0

11 years ago
No surprise there. Shotguns, beamlasers and gauss rifles. Shotguns are easily the best weapon, and beamlasers are fantastic for cost, and gauss is basically the only productive thing for a support comm.
+0 / -0
^.^ lol
the bottom 5 modules in terms of use:

i seem to notice a bit of a patern here
+0 / -0
It just occurred to me that module counts should be weighed by the proportion of comms in use that they can actually be used on, and (for weapons) the number of instances on one comm allowed.

(And export to .csv would be nice)

For those wondering, the filter for accounts used (assuming Licho didn't change them before running) was: Elo >= 1700, logged in at least once in past 3 months.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Support com FTW!

Honestly why everyone is picking support com?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
For me it's mostly the extended build range. Gets those first mexes up faster. Add to that the fact that support comm is not as good at " aggresive" combat as other comms which makes sure I don' t get it to frontline and have it (and it' s E-Cell) die. I also don' t feel inclined morphing when using the Support Com which improves my play.
+0 / -0
I tend to pick support comm because on most maps, you get 3 free mex spots. With Support com, 3 mexes is enough to support infinite production on one factory (+4 from comm, +6 from mexes), whereas other comms need 4 mexes to support that.

I'm probably missing something even more useful about support comm, though.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I m trying to think why my 3 of 6 com setups are support and none is strike.

Well that little extended build range is really useful for healing stuff, but logically thinking something like battle com has 1/3 more HP and even is faster + can equip better guns. MHM.

Probably doing a compush is too risky losing 4m income. And since coms are target nr1... Skuttle, spy, precision bomber magnet...
+0 / -0
I'm probably missing something even more useful about support comm, though.

Which is: it is always better than other commanders as long as it doesn't die.

+1 free income is a free glaive every minute.

And then, losing any other commander is just about as bad in terms of irreversible loss of income.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
add to that the extended range for its beam laser for easy raider picking and extended nano range for faster grab of the first mexes. The support comm hardly has to move during the first minutes. It can even build stuff behind solar walls and lab.
+0 / -0
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