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Gauss Turret

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2 years ago
(In case there is such a post already i will apologise, but i only found one from 7 years ago when ronin was still called rocko).
The gauss turrtet seems fairly weak now. It lost a lot fo its regen first and now also some if it armour, all while having pretty low dps. Not sure but feels like most units can beat it fairly easily. At least it feels a lot worse then a stinger for nearly the same price.
If it is about the tankyness, maybe double health? It will remain easy to overrun, but at least last longer. Given back the high regen when in cover my also be useful while keeping it weak when exposed.
Probably you will have better ideas though
+3 / -0

2 years ago
Now that I think about it, I haven't had a ton of experience with gauss, but it seems 90% of the time, the gauss is built on top of terraform, which in fact eliminates a number of it's weaknesses, and makes it decently stronger. Gauss on terraform does not seem weak at all, although if it is on flat ground it is still a little vulnerable.

It has a decent range, outranging quite a few skirmishers, making skirmishers not very effective whatsoever against them (especially if on terraform), but they are vulnerable to decent numbers of raiders (except if on terraform). This is fine though, because gauss isn't supposed to be able to deal with everything, so it kind of pushes you to build some other defense (or just get units) to back it up, which makes more sense.

Overall I should look more into it I suppose, but if any defense needs a buff it's stardust. Stardust is still pretty effective if put on a cliff and your enemies are at the bottom (since it is hard for them to hit it), but other than that it isn't that good.

+1 / -0
2 years ago
stardust got recently nerfed because the high dps and aoe would also eat up big group of light assault (which have poor range) and make it fairly effective even against minos, despite them costing 4 times as much.

It is true that terraforming will benefit the gauss a lot, but also up the costs at which i get a stinger with nearly double damage and higher burst. I know a stinger has little trouble to take out a buoy, which i recall to be fairly strong against gauss. Maybe incrase its dps to 120 and see how it goes? Currently it is really low. A lotus has 75 (vs 95 gauss)for less then 25% of the cost (without terraforming)
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Gauss is a good for tanking artillery when on a spire and supported by buried caretakers. It complements Crab well, in killing fast raider/skirm running in circles that can speed tank a Crab as well as maintaining the spire under tremor attack. Combine all this with your standard anti-assault terraform and it'd stall out opponents without right counters prepared beforehand. Really don't need a buff unless you want to buff that sort of gameplay somehow.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Gauss has a more generic weapon than Stinger and is harder to dislodge, so I'm happy with it being less common than Stinger.
+2 / -0