Because of talks about BYO factory i thought what can w do using current tech.
There are online 3d viewers and other stuff that uses webgl, shit like unity and such have it done.
So i thought about following:
[Spoiler]*snorts line of cokefrom strippers ass*
*gives admins beer to hold*
A web based unit generator in webgl.
It consists of
- a collection of servos and guns and chasis
- each component has certain time to make, and price in metal/e, and
- each component is textured from same texture
its tricky but its doable, some area reserved for servos,
some for general colors like 8x8 palete of pixeled vga colors
some areas with generic features such as holes on rifle, or vents or beveled panel, or tracks, wheels, whith half of texture free for use pasting in case of future ability to make own modules)
it would be 90s tedious, it would be tedious to do redesign of all models, in a manner that the components use the shared texture so like one polygon is textured in vent and surrounded with vga pallete shaded polygon, still tho.. :)
alternative would be that each component has its small micro texture that the unit maker then assembles and packs into unit texture proper, like texture of 512x512 has couple of blocks 32x32, couple of 8x32, or even 8x33 because some online lib to packe up up would be out there with algo that does that, since packing algos been done at unis since forevever and a day,and so forth, i guess...
but woudl be cool, because:
- each component can be float scaled with cost cube scaled cost adds up
- each one is tree based from invisible propulsor plate that determines its funct (bot, spider, plane, drone, hover, boat, silo missle)
- there are some precision compotnents that require that some other modules be present that do stabilisation, ie wetbots arty that is deploayable.
- each gun has float regulators, so basic scale increases damage, but other float modifiers cost metal like reload time, some guns have options to have abilty to overheat, also upgradable with metal
all upgraded options with metal can also be downgraded with metal reduction.
you add to propulsor matching chasis, you attach jumpjet modules, you attach shield generators, cloak generators, drone generators
you equuip with builder options to be able to make units/buildings as athena does, you attach rezurector modlue.
all those on servos that have also float scale on how much metal they can handle, various servo types that have limited tracking, or unlimited. float regulated spin time like on some log curve of cost per acion, or something like that.
the unit generator gets all the unit scripts from what you selected, and because it lives on the web, it produces unit pack that zerok loads up with each players units added to special fact.
so i guess each player then would have to be their own faction, auto assigned by zerok at start, that builds up on top of current unit base with compiled units added on, so other players cant build them. but yea... :)
so why?
imagine a glaive-terrorist that has cloaker amped up to tinhy detection circle with jumpjets, that is stockpliing small scale dgun misslies of inferno from silo, overpowered minigun from future wars that needs time to spin up, with irokez addon.
a turret that has like masive cloaker detection.
a radar plane with massive los, and cloaker detection
clooaked figheres
cloaked liko style bomber with scylla preloaded dgun merlin salvo from it with fire+impulse warhed (loads only on landing pad)
And this my fellow lobsters, would be totally tits.
Real life equiv of this: