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I have an idea to make this game grow

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Viral marketing is where you use the best the game has to offer to advertise it. I would love to make some videos on this game but only on the very best replays but how can I tell which replays are worth it?

What if you could vote + on games that were tons of fun at the end of the match and those with the most +es would be listed somewhere?

Something in game not form based.
+11 / -0

23 months ago
voting on replays/games seems like a good idea. somehow, this should then also be searchable or a ranking etc (and replay deletion on server prevented for a threshold)
+3 / -0

23 months ago
That's a good idea. I'd say that generally lobpots with lots of sneaky tactics and big effects like nukes are the most interesting. People using Djinn and Scythe for rear attacks are always fun. If Stardust were good again ... I used to like building them at the enemy rear with Conjurer. Striders like Dante are also lots of fun. If you can include a running commentary while it's happening it would be great. Kinda like a sports commentator, giving context and what tactics were good or not.
+1 / -0

23 months ago
You could put a dumb Mr Beast type shocked face over the cover to the vid with "I couldn't believe this amazing play" on it and it features some commander getting didintegrated by a trollcomm. Apparently the shocked face is de rigeur for successful videos nowadays ...
+0 / -0
23 months ago
can nural net ai to play like a human.. and it even resigns and stuff.. then none will know if they are even alone
+1 / -0

23 months ago
Sounds reasonable but would need some infrastructure work. The data could also be useful feedback in other ways.
+4 / -0
23 months ago
It likely won't be possible, but could we do a permanent stream from the Teams All Welcome (32p) room on the Steam page of the game? It could show the map zoomed out and sometimes zoom on parts of the battlefield (maybe somewhere where a lot of units are dying, it should be possible to make some simple heuristics), or it could follow the camera of some person (after it asks him for a permission).
I feel like that a lot of people who see this game on Steam might think that nobody plays it and therefore they won't give it a chance. A Stream makes it feel like there is some playerbase (which, in ZK case, is quite dedicated).
+0 / -0
23 months ago
I would be less likely to play or even enter the room if I knew that it was constantly being watched.
+4 / -0
23 months ago
I don't think there would be crowds of people watching the stream on Steam. Besides, you are already being watched (and judged! :P) by up to 31 other players...
+1 / -0
23 months ago
And the replays are recorded, too. But that's different from constantly being streamed, even if noone is watching the actual stream.
+1 / -0
i had better plan. current ZK linux installer sucks. It requires fiddling with 300mb of mono libs and dancing around. So i was thinking on lightweight installer for the installer.

A gtk+ installer that wieghts 200kb, and push it on linux mint, bodhi, puppy, and maybe ubuntu, so zk would be their official pet game of the linux world. Were opensource anyway.

The gtk installer shows pretty pictures, maybe downloads some clips from web on how the gmeplay looks like. Then installs all the mono libs and proper installer. gtk installer has nice pictures, accesses videos remotely.

it would work. OUR admins chose not to go with it...
cest la vie...
+0 / -0

23 months ago
There's a twitch channel that plays Doom speedruns 24/7: https://www.twitch.tv/doomspeeddemos

If someone could use the ingame player cursor to move the camera position of a given replay, automatically curate a selection of solid replays (>5 minutes, whitelisted known good players OR X playercount), and stream it to twitch like the above, then we would have a thing.
+0 / -0
With my solution above. If we would make proper gtk installer for the mono installer (no distro would want to slap onto dvd zk mono installer with 300mb mono libs), if we would make it like above, we would have players from 1% of linux mint/ubuntu desktops.

Our admins chose to can it when i had time and will to code it...
+1 / -0
the day dvd is dead will happen in my lifetime

although its nice to have boot disks that cant get virus
+0 / -0
nah. it will not. people need physical medium as a book. no matter how much kindles are popular. there are censorship issues that makes streaming from central not feasible. also people wake up to fact that they bleed for some stuff that can get once and done. pendrives and dvds are gonna stay.

its like with halogens and plastic straws. you can still get them on ebay in eu. and soon (like 5-7 years) it will be reversed since paepr ones are crap and people go ballistic on minor inconveninces...
+0 / -0
23 months ago
hmm idk maybe your right
+1 / -0
+1 / -0

23 months ago
i had better plan. current ZK linux installer sucks. It requires fiddling with 300mb of mono libs and dancing around. So i was thinking on lightweight installer for the installer.

A gtk+ installer that wieghts 200kb, and push it on linux mint, bodhi, puppy, and maybe ubuntu, so zk would be their official pet game of the linux world. Were opensource anyway.

The gtk installer shows pretty pictures, maybe downloads some clips from web on how the gmeplay looks like. Then installs all the mono libs and proper installer. gtk installer has nice pictures, accesses videos remotely.

Hey man, I heard you like installers, so we made an installer for your installer so you can download while you download.

Packaging on linux is a nightmare, the commands to install dependencies and run on ubuntu is going to be different to each different distro, and often break with new versions. That's why things like flatpak exist. Flatpak is possibly the best bet.

I don't know that linux users are a promising pool of players, but it would be hella sweet to play Zero-K on a steam deck ngl.
+1 / -0
Packaging on linux is a nightmare, the commands to install dependencies and run on ubuntu is going to be different to each different distro, and often break with new versions. That's why things like flatpak exist. Flatpak is possibly the best bet.

Steam more or less works. The largest source of issues is, as usual, having to drag mono because the wrapper layer ("ChobbyLa"), that does things that chobby the in-engine Lua lobby can't do, is written in c#. It's mostly a back-end program that listens to connections from Spring, launches Spring, copies some files, etc. The only GUI it does is display the loading window.

(On the other hand, every Unity game drags mono along and they seem okay)

Rewriting it in something that's easier to port would in fact be nice, but this also means that someone - presumably the person writing it - would have to maintain it. Which means that "vegan dude writes it in a weekend and then never has time again" is probably a bad choice. Especially if it doesn't actually even get written!

I don't know that linux users are a promising pool of players, but it would be hella sweet to play Zero-K on a steam deck ngl.

There are not that many linux users, but the ones that exist tend to have better conversion rates due to ZK's innate alignment with the "open source" religion.
+0 / -0
gtk installer needs apt to automatically type in installer procedure. and gtk to do shiny. thats it. apt and gtk is everywhere in debian world. even kde has gtk.

flatpak is for crossdistro like packing things for ubuntu/redhat/arch and not for ubuntu/mint/bodhi

furthermore gtkinstaller can be extended with some bash script like if apt do this, if rpm do that. the instalation procedure for zk is like 7 lines. wget plus stuff. a simple script with sudo launched by gtkinstaller will handle it.

steam kinda defeats the purpose of the gtk installer idea, since stream is pull, and we need to push gtkinstaller to be slapped on mint, bodhi and couple of popular brands as a opensource posterchild rts...

also you can slap a deb with gtk installer on website that pulls all stuff directly without messing about, and gtkinstaller plops a terminal with instruction text cated and command line so you can do something on nondefined distro type, like outside of apt/rpm crowd like arch or something custom...
+0 / -0
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