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ghet·to (gĕt′ō)
n. pl. ghet·tos or ghet·toes
1. A usually poor section of a city inhabited primarily by people of the same race, religion, or social background, often because of discrimination.
2. An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages.
3. PLrankrookstoo puter setup consisting of 4gb business laptop, with mainstation that is powered by 2 psus. One for gpu and hdds, and one for mobo and dvd (mainstation is an thin form pc, with massive radeon sticking out of it, for which it didnt had power slots and i already fried a psu that way last year. the other psu is fired by a wire shorting starter pins on mobo connector. that poor mainstation has 2 monitors and runs linux, and i have windows lappy, with linkages of barrier-kvm, and samba drives, so i can use this whole mess as one computer, with laptop and 2 screens around it so barrier kvm server on lappy distributes it. its noteworthy to mention that the mainstation is using 5gb of ddr2, yes DDR2 ram. each stick of different brand and pretty sure different timing, but didnt bother to check. i slapped a highest cpu i could plop into it tho :) currently plugging pulseaudio to sync sound back to lappy so i can run it in headphones. mainframe is wired ethernet, while lappy is wifi :)

tho a little bit ghetto, its cool to cook up something like this in blender, like overnight render of 10h:

+3 / -0
2 years ago
how come you can eachieve such rendering with this advanced potato ?!


geniune inventor and owner of Tesla ..
+1 / -0
it has rather beefy cuda capable radeon that i got specifically to get blender going. sadly blender dropped suppport of cuda for old radeons like mine in 3.0 ... and i used only one machine instead of clustering and splitting work for lappy and mainframe.

did this before i fkd the psu by powering gpu from 2 sata cables.. psu was like 250w and not suited for that sort of load... hence now running 2 psus in parallel like a pro.

anyways imma putting into this puppy a bodhi linux that has sub 0.5gb mem footprint since altho the radeon and cpu pulls zk nicely it chokes on loads since ubuntustudio is kinda big on resources, lets see what it will do :)
+1 / -0

this pic from the article below totally relates to my pc build, the same way as 400$ craigslist bmw raced against 500000$ rally cars and won over 2 of them :)
+0 / -0