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Winter AI War: The tournament you don't play in

19 posts, 1342 views
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Hello. It's time for a new event style! Your task, if you choose to accept it, will be to modify circuit AI (or create your own ai) to fight other players' AIs in 3v3 matchups . You may enter in either ZK or FW category. The winning players in both categories will be hailed as the AI trainer champion! Use your game knowledge and text editing skills to create the ultimate AI to kill all the others!

What you'll need:
- Devmode enabled (create devmode as a text file (txt) in your zero-k install folder, and look in the lobby settings for a new 'developer' tab, from there turn off simplified AI list).
- Base AI files (You will find them in this github repo)
- A github or discord account (optional) to share files.
- Your choice of notepad or IDE. Notepad++ works alright for this.
- Time.

There will be AI exhibition matches every so often. Anyone may enter at any time up until the December 30th deadline. Good luck, have fun.

Tournament / Exhibition Schedule:

Ex1November 18th
Ex2Dec 2nd
Ex3Dec 16th
Ex4Dec 23rd
Final ExhibitionDec 28th
Tournament streamDec 31st

Note: you do not have to show up at any time during the tournament, just keep your files up to date. Use PRs if you need to.

Exhibition matches will be streamed by me on twitch. Final tournament will be RR with 2 matchups each. Points will be awarded during the final tournament by the following table:

Win against other team+2pts
Draw (Match goes beyond 45:00)0 pts for both

Ties will be broken based on an extra match with no time limit. Winner, who will receive an awesome community coin, is the team with the most points!


Future WarsName of teamType
unknownrankShamanTerror MissionCircuit AI Config
N/ABase FWBrutalCircuit AI Config (Base)

Zero-KName of teamTypeExhibition 1 Result
N/ABrutal AICircuit AI Config (Base)-1
DErankSkelSkelTestAICircuit AI Config+4
AUrankMach56SupersonicCircuit AI Config+3
USrankNiartelocTrainerAICircuit AI ConfigN/A
+21 / -0
17 months ago
This will be fantastic! We finally will get AI that can beat porc.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
So a tournament where we just pop our AI into github, and you run them. Fantastic concept.

I wonder if I can scrape together some time to try it. I hope you've done all the heavy lifting!
+1 / -0
It's a concept, trying to get people into modding more. What would be nice is if custom AIs could be distributed through the site and seamlessly added in the AI list. Circuit AI is pretty moddable out the gate. Changing config around shouldn't take too long. That's the nice part of this tournament. You don't need to commit completely. Even if you make a handful of changes I'll accept it and run it.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
It's a concept, trying to get people into modding more

Hah, I have plowed so many hours into some "things". Complex Lua is both friend and foe. Working on things just last night in fact.
+1 / -0

17 months ago
What maps will the tournament be played on?
+1 / -0

17 months ago
Best Shaman thread ever :)
+0 / -0

17 months ago
What maps will the tournament be played on?

Yeah, do we get to "optimize" for certain maps?

It would eliminate a certain amount of risk of total flop if we know a lot about the potential maps, so that there can be broad testing for AI blind spots.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
I'm open to suggestions for maps.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
I would lean towards smaller maps rather than larger, as it should result in more decisive games, and shorter testing runs.

I think that a pool of lets say only 4 possible maps would allow participants to test all scenarios. Probably one has to be water, or even two. One has to be Tropical v2.

Any particular reason you want a 3v3 matchup? I assume you mean three instances of the same AI on each team. Allowing a player to use a mix could also be interesting. Sometimes it appears one actual AI is appointed to run several "AI players" presumably as a way to save resources; I'm unsure how that is managed.
+0 / -0
Alright, I have altered the config files a little, not by a lot but it's enough to do some things slightly differently from vanilla. How do I submit?
Edit: Ah, I see, let me get it ready for you and I'll make a PR.
Edit 2: Annnd submitted.
+1 / -0

16 months ago
+0 / -0
First Exhibition match was fun. [Spoiler]
Maybe next time we can have a the creators fighting alongside their ais for a bit of fun.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
Thanks for hosting this unknownrankShaman. Are you planning to track the tournament results somewhere?

I know GBrankdyth68 is working on an AI, but not with the goal of being the most effective. What do you think about AIs that are intended to play in a certain way for teaching or other purposes?
+0 / -0
Anything is welcome to join, even Light Drone Spammer Recon Commanders and Frontline Air into Raptor Rushers. (This is a stream meme from last night between Mach56's and Skel's AI. True innovations of AI strategy going on!)

Are you planning to track the tournament results somewhere?

Yes. Here's the results from last night:

Color coded victory

MatchAI 1AI 2Run time (Sim Time)MapBattleHighlightTwitch link
1SkelTestAIBrutal Circuit65:38Vittra Bots B1758600 0 on Vittra v2.1Is it going to draw? + Brutal discovers a way to brick itself using lichos.link
2SkelTestAIBrutal Circuit18:04Trojan Hills Bots B1758606 0 on Trojan Hills v05LLTs aren't a thinglink
3SupersonicBrutal Circuit14:00Trojan Hills Bots B1758625 0 on Trojan Hills v05Triple Lv5 Recon Commander is a "Legit Strategy"link
4SupersonicBrutal Circuit30:00Vittra Bots B1758641 0 on Vittra v2.1Lv5 Recon attempts to be a herolink
5SupersonicSkelTestAI24:00Sparkle Reef Bots B1758654 0 on Sparkles Reef v1.01King Seawolf's rise and falllink
6SupersonicSkelTestAI12:11Icy Shell Bots B1758659 0 on Icy_Shell_v01"I didn't config the AI"link
7SupersonicSkelTestAI61:00Crystalized Plains Bots B1758683 0 on Crystallized Plains 1.01Supersonic decides to do a rush to mid only to plop Air into Raptor rushlink
8SupersonicSkelTestAI05:13Hotstepper Bots B1758686 0 on hotstepperBrutal comm rushlink

Note: Match 8 was a tiebreaker due to match 7's tiebreaker running over time.
Note 2: The 45 minute draw rule was extended to 60 minutes sim time due to low competition.

Circuit vs SkelTestAI vs Supersonic on Hotstepper: Bots B1758690 0 on hotstepper Twitch link

Bonus round:

Final scores:

Brutal Circuit131-1THIRD

Stream VOD:
Full stream can be found here.
That one highlight everyone wants to see

If the youtube link does not work above, check it out here.
+7 / -0
16 months ago
It is unlikely that I can make an AI that is better than me in the short time until December 30th. Only in the unlikely event that I make it, I will submit the ultimate AI.
+0 / -0
16 months ago
I’m not interested in competing at the moment, I know nothing about how these work… But I am interested in knowing what makes these tick, are they decision trees? State machines? Neutral networks?
+0 / -0

16 months ago
I can barely play against Brutal AI never mind improve on it! That didn't stop me trying, I spent a weekend changing some values in the JSON files and doing small tests, alas nothing good came of it (except I learned more about the game, so that was cool). If I get another weekend before the deadline I'd like to try again. Fun concept for a tournament certainly

USrankGOLDSTANDARD You can see details in the base AI files linked in the first post, e.g. https://github.com/Arch-Shaman/ZKFW-Ai-Tournament/tree/main/Base%20Entries/Zero-K/CircuitAIBrutal/stable
+1 / -0

16 months ago
Tried to get my LUA AIs downloadable but failed:

+0 / -0