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12 years ago
Anyone else notice this user with a host that's been open for a long time now:


It's like gold mining, except, there's no money in it :P
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12 years ago
Lol, mining for xp.
Is xp that important?
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12 years ago
Most of those games take around 30 minutes. Hellishly ineffective way of mining, i'd say; anybody with half a brain could devise a quicker method if this was the intention.
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12 years ago
He might just be practising his early game.
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12 years ago
like, for instance, wait for a the xp system to get bugged? ;-)

Or !cheat your way through 5 minute AI games. That gives about 1200xp/hour. It is just silly. Better let yourself get beaten up by 2000+ elo players in 1v1 and learn something on the way. That can give you more than 5000xp/hour :P
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12 years ago
in the short 4 minutes games the CAI commander spawns stuck in hills, nothing unusual when new players try to set up a game. eventually he gets bored of pwing the idle com and plays vs chicken instead.

i thought this would be about stimpacks for kbots :/
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I was expecting a pack about stimpack too. Something like a d-gun for glaives where they lose 90% HP but gain 100%DPS and 50%Speed or something.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
glaives regen, so that would be OP as hell, but on a bandit that might make it the only unit produced, so maybe it's a bad idea.
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12 years ago
hmm lol
first login:24 months ago
+0 / -0

hmm lol
first login:24 months ago

Lol, I guess Zero-K has some singleplayer players too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
bah simply bored, not really interested in getting smashed by all you experienced peoples.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
As a tip CAI will spawn in the middle of a startbox so you can move it around with the !addbox command.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In the middle? I've never seen it spawn anywhere else than in the top left corner of the box.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Wait...waait... i`ve got it! not stimpack, but steampack, a D-gum module for the comm that gives a bust of uncontrollable speed, or shoots a jet of superheated steamy suff (making it a flamer that does not bur things.. and perhaps has longer range?)... or just a steampunk tipe model for vanity purposes... or a whole new class of slow deployable...things... so you can "deploy the steampacks" to the front... mobile power sources that need to deploy to produce E OR to rezz and repair or both, or something else like , like an M18 Claymore mine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M18_Claymore_mine

or,or the "steam" could be like a nanite cloud providing area repair like an anti-outlaw

or a gnat-sized transport unit that can only transport small bots but allows the to shoot at stuff

or a kind of smokescreen generator to help even the odds against superior micro

there is soo much potential for steampacks , steam, steamyness and steaming around in this game

Note: steam for the steamlord….

the lobster uprising is coming they will ally with the chickens rise from the depths, they will be blue and pink and delicious, only the steam can save us
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