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strider become team control building and one in a team

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strider consume energy compare to before, suggest
-- increase strider price and only 1 in a team,
-- provide no building power.
-- anyone can make a blue print from strider.
-- increase strider power consumption
+0 / -1
12 months ago
only 1 in a team may cause riots
+3 / -0
12 months ago
Make it possible to select your team mates' strider hubs to build units from it?
+3 / -0
12 months ago
am i the only one who thinks mini strider hub nanos (plates) would be cute =P
+7 / -0
12 months ago
strider hub plates is neat idea, why was that not done when all the factories got their plates?
+1 / -0
12 months ago
Caretaker is the strider hub plate. Just let Caretakers build striders when they have an energy powered strider hub in range and make this range visible.
+4 / -0
12 months ago
Huh. Yanno, yeah totally.
+0 / -0

12 months ago
Some sort of selecting ally strider hubs to make nanoframes seems best to me. Having people put any sort of plate around a stider hub seems annoying, because you'll want to use that space to place striders.
+6 / -0
yes when i said team controled mean anyone can access the strider hub and build a unit/blueprint out of it.
strider hub provide no building power to make unit, people have to make caretaker or use con/comm to construct the unit

well if its hard coding make unit/blueprint without building power, giving 0.01 building power to strider hub works too
+0 / -0