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thank you shaman

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i cant fix this without help.. it works for all coms and units just not support commander

i cant seem to get any errors from it it just wont place the unit and even making factories and stuff breaks.

(unit tweak)


dynsupport1 = {
buildoptions = {

it broke after the support commander blueprint update.

i would apreciate any help thanks.
+0 / -0

4 months ago
You need a mod to fix this.

+1 / -0
Thank you very much!

may i use this mod?

so as i understand it this is not a engine commit but a mod? so ill need to add this mod file to my mods to make them work?

i was just using unit tweaks to create game modes so im not sure how to include this file ill have to look up how its done.

its a pitty i can nolonger rely on unit tweaks / def tweaks but perhaps once i get used to the new system it will give me better control over the code as ill be able to add my own assets and scripts =)
+0 / -0

4 months ago
You'll need to take this file, create a mod that depends on ZK and add it to the mod file.
+1 / -0
thanks ill figure it out (the new mod system) when i have time after i finish my todo mods list of defs tweaks mods. probably in a few days time. then ill shift over to the new system compleatly
+0 / -0