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Exponentially Stronger


Maintained by NOrankSuperyard
Last updated 3 months ago
Created 3 months ago
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nice addition =) i like your idea

edit: i just looked at your code. nice work this seems better then the original it covers more stats has a better averaging function and should be concidered the successor.

can i add your mode to my hub in its own section with full credits?
+1 / -0
3 months ago
Sure, go ahead.
+1 / -0
3 months ago
Small lasers (bandit and such) are broken and sometimes you lose movement controls.
+0 / -0
2 months ago
i added your mod to my mod hub with full credits. thank you very much for making this your bringing joy to the world and should feel good about who you are =)
+0 / -0
The lone thing i have understood about this mod, since theres no description about it at all, is units seems a little more expensive, and the scorcher unit is shooting bugged ammos, making it unable to deal damages

EDIT (Scorcher + bandit)

A lot of mods don't have any descriptions, in this forum in general, thats a problem, how are we supposed to be interested if we don't know what we are about to pick ? :(

Also Torpedo dealing 69730 damages (DPS 37072)
And Rocket dealing 99230 damages (DPS 30146)
This mod isn't recommanded to be used a the moment in my opinion
+0 / -0
2 months ago
i will improve descriptions soon.

+0 / -0
2 months ago
Hey, this mod has bugs, yes. It is intended to scale up all stats including cost according to the cost; so more expensive units get a lot more expensive and a lot more stronger than cheap units.

I have not gotten around to fixing the bugs, and I likely never will, sorry.

1) Aircraft and Gunships are not affected
2) Scorcher, Bandit ammo buggedd
+0 / -0