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Zero-K metal measurements but they're american

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3 months ago
40 metal - scout (amount of metal)
120 - raider (amount of metal)
240 - heavy (amount of metal)
800 - factory (amount of metal)
3000 - strider (amount of metal)
12k - one trinity (amount of metal)
40k - superweapon (amount of metal)

might also add the next measurements
1 m - skirmish (amount of time, in-game)
10 m - (factory) switch (amount of time, in-game)
30 m - game (amount of time)
10 m - skirmish (amount of time, out-of-game)
2 m - one lobby (amount of time, out-of-game)

as for energy, I have yet to come up with something cool, so don't mind that i've got nothing bad to say.
+4 / -0
when your team is excessing 2 super weapons :(
+2 / -0
3 months ago
864 Energy - Aspisload
+1 / -0
Oh no!

I excessed a Conch to Djinn morph (600 metal)!!!
I excessed a Reef wreckage (1200 metal)!!!
+1 / -0
The metric system works well in the modern age because we've had a definitive definition of a gram, a metre etc. for centuries.

A feet is a simple unit of measurement equal to approximately the length of an average human foot.
In roman times, a mile was defined as 1,000 paces. Eventually, this was formalised to 5,280 feet or roughly 2,000 paces.
A grain of weight is defined as the weight of a single seed of cereal. From this drams, ounces and pounds can all be derived.
A minim is defined as a singular drop of rain water. From this, all other measures of volume can be derived.
One thing these all have in common- YOU CAN MEASURE THEM FROM NOTHING!!!

Look I'm not saying the AmericanTM customary units are better all I'm saying is in the event of an irl nuke rush the US would be much better prepared.

this wouldn't happen if Australia switched to yards:
+1 / -0
none of those things are as consistent as what the metric system was based off which also was based on measuring things

meter - 1/10,000,000 of distance from pole to equator

0 celsius - freezing water

100 celsius - boiling water

kilogram - 1 decimeter^3 of water
+1 / -0
try measuring the distance from the pole to the equator in the case of civilisational collapse
well, technically you can, but it would take you several days and a very long walk between two poles on a sunny day for a likely inaccurate and unreliable result. Eratosthenes got 2% error, but how do you know your measurement will be that precise? What will you do if your measurements are challenged? More importantly... how will you measure without knowing what a meter is?
200 years from now in the apocalypse someone could say the earth is the radius of the moon, or that the earth is flat- and so your measurements can't be trusted, nobody would be able to prove otherwise.
but one foot is trivial to measure, even if it is somewhat inconsistent. If you need 'more', you define it in terms of practical things you can compare it to without much effort or thought- such as acres being measured in tillable land per day.
The rest can be standardised later.

Culturally, the US customary units have an implied inconsistency. When someone says 'walk 10 feet', you can in your head estimate they want you to make 4-5 steps and you know it's approximate. When someone says, 'walk 10 meters' then suddenly the required consistency is context dependent as 10 meters is a lot harder to visualize. I suppose you could think of it as 'the length of 5 tall people', but most people just don't think in those terms. Eventually, as civilisation rebuilds people will need to come to an exact agreement on what a feet etc is. At which point the metric system begins to make more sense. Until that time, however, the customary units suffice as is.

you are right about temperature though, Celsius is a lot more practical. Farenheit is defined similarly but is based on some random estimate of human body temperature.
+0 / -0
how does one know how much land is tillable in a day?
funny thing about feet is that people fight over how long a foot is before standardizing (and that can be very annoying when doing anything requiring a bit of precision).

mostly its a part of what you grew up with. Metric people can intuitively guess how long a meter is, what temp they want or how much something weighs. same with customary/imperial. Where metric shines is conversions and math, if you want to rebuild after ____ disaster, metric is much better since a ton of math can be done simply by moving a decimal point.
+0 / -0

3 months ago
I think that using the metric system for science, imperial system for quick measurements (maybe even with made-up values) is a good agreement. The metric system is easy to remember, the imperial system is easy to visualize. That is, if I were to give a serious answer.
+0 / -0