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Kwisatz Haderach Book and Social Activities Club

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Welcome to the Kwisatz Haderach Book and Social Activities Club!

Meaning - Purpose - Beauty - Truth
Love - Sex - Friendship
Strength - Will - Love - Joy - Peace - Compassion - Brilliance

Gain perspective on life, relationships, and civilization!
Become an awesome person.
Do awesome stuff.
Take over the world.

Just harass Anarchid on discord (maybe in AI dev) to join!

When facebook gets off of covid holiday I'll try to make a group over there with more content and post a link.

EDIT: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3834599890118696/
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Would you mind explaining what this is exactly? Is it a book or a Facebook page? Is it a set of morals and advice on how to live based on your own understandings, or others you represent the interests of? Does it have a monetary aspect involved that in some way, shape, or form seeks to profit from those who follow it/you?

I'm not suggesting it does, but I do have questions. These days, people need to be careful of free candy because sometimes even seemingly the best of intentions turn out to be parasitic cults that capture minds forever.

There are groups that indoctrinate new followers for years until they are sworn into servitude. Then, they feed on them to gather new followers and sustain themselves. Information should never be used to control people, but sadly, it can happen. It’s often a bad sign if it promises people it will solve all their problems, especially when many problems in life are our own making and require difficult changes, such as simply eating better or exercising more often.
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2 months ago
>>Would you mind explaining what this is exactly? Is it a book or a Facebook page? Is it a set of morals and advice on how to live based on your own understandings, or others you represent the interests of? Does it have a monetary aspect involved that in some way, shape, or form seeks to profit from those who follow it/you?

No I do not currently receive any monetary benefit from this.

What it is: An education on philosophy, psychology, and various topics which are central to the functioning of civilization which every voter or participant in civilization in general ought to know, such as economics. The basic idea is that, if I want to have a world to live in then I require enlightened people to make it with me. It is not a book but a library, and while I do plan on writing a few books of my own I have yet to do so.

It's also a place to help connect people with projects so they can learn fundamental skills like science and general and systems engineering so that they have the ability to both identify and solve the kinds of problems that the real world presents, and to understand the kinds of concerns that need to be satisfied for a solution to count as one.

>>It’s often a bad sign if it promises people it will solve all their problems, especially when many problems in life are our own making and require difficult changes, such as simply eating better or exercising more often.

You solve your own problems, but if you really knew what caused your problems in the first place then you would hardly have any of them left. Solving problems isn't really that hard most of the time. It's the quality of your motivations for doing things, or other people's motivations for trying to shove you into stupid things or stop you from doing smart things that complicate things.

Sometimes other people's criticisms are valid, but a lot of the time they're just trying to drag you down so that they don't have to feel bad about being losers or good-for-nothings themselves. Then they've taken their problems and made them yours, generally at gunpoint and with a mob backing them up telling them that it's totally cool, everybody does it.

To be clear: this ain't no easy-mode self-help weekend course. It's hell. It's got satan and it's got death machines. It goes on seemingly forever and is mostly unrewarding except for the skills and things and relationships you made yourself along the way. You end up having to hate everything about yourself and everyone else, and if you get any support at all then you're luckier than I ever was doing this crap.

On the other side of the fence, I can't even really say very much because you wouldn't understand it hardly. I can only say that you end up with profound self-respect and the ability to see everything from the smallest detail to the biggest picture and everything in between, and how everything fits together, and how you and your intentions and actions really affect things (or don't). It's not even 'infinite knowledge or wisdom' or anything, just the basic level of understanding and capability that anyone calling themselves an adult ought to have.
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2 months ago
it may not suprise you to learn that the greatest wisdoms are unwanted.. and so you wont find them in your book.. what you will find is the hopes and dreams of mankind. bait and hooks in woven tangle.. and what you know is what you hope was the answer.

i think maybe you do mean well.. but i know your chasing your own reasons.. so follow your road and learn where it goes.

a word of advice against beliveing in devils or deamons.. but be free to choose as i walk away.
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2 months ago
Lo, content appears. More or less.
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55 days ago
lob, lob.
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