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kicked for winning and lost a lot of elo

6 posts, 334 views
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2 months ago
So today I was playing against 2 russian kids, it was a 2v2 in a casual match. I was winning by a lot, I was about to finish them, and me and my teammate got kicked because they were the host of the game. I checked and this counts as a loss, and since they were much lower elo, I lost a lot of points even though I won. Is this serious? What kind of system is this that you can lose ranking because some new player rage kicks you?
+5 / -0
2 months ago
It's a sad situation, there are scoundrels everywhere. I think a neat way to sort this out is to make the game result draw so that rating does not changes. I mean, if the host kicks someone out, then the server shouldn't calculate Elo after match.
+3 / -0
2 months ago
another way is to ask for moderators to review and noelo the game
+2 / -0
yea. done


maybe dont play on private hosts?

kicking, even on private host, for spiteful reasons is not ok. use the report function in the hostile player's user page to make a report. include screenshots and links to the replay.

edit: i see, you already reported the player. so this information is still useful for others.
+5 / -2
2 months ago
"maybe dont play on private hosts?"

DONT you dare pushing the responsibility down!

Just because the System/Game is faulty and some people dont want to do their jobs doesnt mean others should suffer for it! FIX IT!
+2 / -0
2 months ago
"there are scoundrels everywhere"

Its our job to squash them like the tiny bugs they are or exploit! Everyone to do his part to make it a better place!
+1 / -0