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morph me WIP


Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 20 days ago
Created 20 days ago
download JSON metadata of morph_me
just working on some things..
eta: 1-2 days.. all units can morph into next most expencive unit for cost..

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just working on some things..
eta: 1-2 days.. all units can morph into next most expencive unit for cost..
+1 / -0
11 days ago
Idk if you were playing back when morphing could turn a flea into a glaive > crabe > Sumo > Dante > banta > detri.

Idk if I miss it or not but it made chicken mode easy
+1 / -0
the hope is not that these mods are useful.. but rather that i get better at coding and modding over time.. each time i make a mod im doing something new if i can.. to try and push my limits
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