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Maintained by AUrankSmokeDragon
Last updated 14 days ago
Created 16 days ago
download JSON metadata of duck
dont play this mode with many players or it will lag out
2-3 is fine on smaller maps

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14 days ago
dont play this mode with many players or it will lag out
2-3 is fine on smaller maps
+1 / -0

14 days ago
whis is it possible to play on other maps than duck
+1 / -0
yes and no.. you see there is a problem with that question..

because the map duck is a lie.. and infact a goose

and for 10 years that map has offended geese and that is why they are always angry
+0 / -0
14 days ago
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14 days ago
because the map duck is a lie.

everything is, what it is meant to be. no lies, just jokes.
+0 / -0
14 days ago
thanks for your wisdom mojjj i know you care =)

please understand that all belief comes at a cost..

even if i call an apple a lemon.. even if this situtaion is made out of what it is.. truths of things said and things be.. deception is still an understandable concept. this is not quite the same as when i made my friend a tea out of salt by accident.. there was no intention to decive. and the strange grey area where we lie to ourselves in knowing and not knowing what we choose not to know.

as for jokes.. i find jokes at one end of a road and understanding at the other..
too far down the road either way and you lose sight of the other end of the road. with enough understanding situations lose all riddicule.. and thats hard to conceptulize since most people are heading the other way..
+1 / -0
14 days ago
removed duck tracks, collision, and wrecks.. dont know if it works still
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14 days ago
could still be a duck
+1 / -0