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Stardust kinda useless now

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9 days ago
there was a patch few years ago that made stardust useless, it cant shoot down a hill anymore, and the overheat prevents it from killing more than a few units in general

it also doesnt have any notable health pool or defense and dies as quickly as a lotus, and building them in battle isnt valid anymore because they spawn at max overheat

im not sure whats the intended use case for this turret now, but in most situations its better to just build lotus or pickets

please make stardust great again (or at least slightly useful)
+8 / -3
9 days ago
Yeah stardust is kinda useless rn.
+0 / -0

8 days ago
It only functions as 'I need anti-riot here and now' or 'surprise-surprise, there is a stardust around the corner'. Ok, third one exists, 'my stardust is high af and outranges your low-hp skirmishers'.
+7 / -0

8 days ago
Not very enticing to put one up, I agree.
+0 / -0

8 days ago
Stardust downwards firing angle had been limited for a long long time.
+0 / -0
It's really only an anti-chicken turret.
+0 / -0

8 days ago
Watched a tight match of Amph vs Gunship and saw an instance of Stardust vs a handful of Locusts and that honestly looked pretty good. Though that was without gnat support, would be a different story otherwise. Still something I found interesting.

Link to replay. It was near the end and seemed like a "Welp, guess I'll try this" moment but still.
+1 / -0
stardust used to be so op.. it was fun making terraform wall with stardust behind so if anything went past wall it died =D
fun but op

here is dps divided by cost:

this does not account for aoe

stardust: 2.04 (has aoe)
lotus: 0.83
stinger 0.42
picket 0.25
gauze 0.23 ((has aoe))
desolator 0.88 (has aoe)
luci 0.18

and you get 2 lotus for one stardust in cost
if dps is your goal stardusts are a great option
but i agree they are squishy and expencive.. since range is the most op stat in the game.. stardust like lotus are probably best used sparingly to prevent enemy raids at key locations and choke points

some maths:




stardust has better dps vs cost then lotus even when slowed
1 stardust is better then 2 lotus for 8.87 seconds

off topic but.. stingers are really good mix or range and dps vs cost
+2 / -0

8 days ago
Stardust was given the Hacksaw treatment for doing two things:
  • Countering many assaults when put on a pillar.
  • Disincentivizing raids on bases, because constructors could just plop a Stardust.
It's a bit of a sad state for Stardust to be in, and I don't really like the heat mechanic. But probably makes the game more interesting overall.
+5 / -0
8 days ago
OP, I think there's agreement so the next and more interesting questions are: if you had to pick one thing that Stardust should be much better at, what would it be? And how?

My pie-in-the-sky take: make it slightly longer range while retaining its anti-raider ability. But to prevent its range from becoming overpowered on hills, make it fire fast unguided rockets instead (IIRC those have cylindrical range). This would also make it stronger at dealing with fast-moving units the closer they get, and weaker at max range. And to make it weaker at bigger targets while retaining anti-swarm, lower direct DPS while upping the splash damage. Call its projectiles fragmentation rockets or something.
+0 / -0
imo stardust just not fulfilling its role as raider protection because they are more expensive than lotus and you have to place them in advance because of the overheat

another problem i have with stardust is that it simply cant fire from walls most of the time, and i couldnt find a way to just make them fire forward

here are some possible solutions to make stardust more useful again:

A ) keeping the overheat and shooting angle, but giving stardust ability to fire in the general direction of enemies when they are in range, somewhat like badger

B ) keep the overheat but restore the shooting angle

C ) make stardust able to fire at a high trajectory, sort of like a miniature cerberus, so it can shoot over obstacles

D ) give it more health and/or that defenes ability like gauss has
+1 / -0

8 days ago

The funny thing about that stardust is it was actually a mistake, I meant to build a razor there LOL!
+2 / -0

8 days ago
Stardust is one of the few defensive structures that explodes on death; 600 damage with 170 elmo radius.
Could that be a potential talking point? Is the effect more detrimental to the defender or a common martyrdom?

+2 / -0

7 days ago
The stardust is good vs the things that would die to that explosion anyway. I'm not seeing it as much of a positive.

If the stinger exploded that way then you could make a point it takes out raiders as it dies, but stardust kills raiders so unless you jump one with a bunch of scythes, when is the explosion really coming into play in the defendor's favor?
+0 / -0
didnt actually know about the death explosion because i almost never use stardust xD but will keep it in mind from now

my thugs and hermits got actually beaten up pretty badly by a stardust today because i didnt expect it, but it died like 30 seconds after, and i overran them anyways
+0 / -0
GoogleFrog, If you don’t like the heat mechanics, can stardust work like a picket with 5 to 10 seconds of ammo with 10 to 15 seconds reload?
+0 / -0

5 days ago
That seems like it would create much worse experiences for the Stardust user. It would run out of ammo just as it almost killed something, or someone would bait it with a Flea then kill it with raider 10 seconds later.
+1 / -0

5 days ago
Even if you hate the mechanic, maybe we can play into it a little more?
Decreasing heat/shot but increasing the max slow is what I've been thinking about for a bit now.
It might be too much of a buff looking back up to SmokeDragon's math, but if decay is not touched maybe that helps keep it in check. Though on the other side it will feel worse to use, as it follows similar tracks to Amnykon's suggestion with the reload.

Also there is an interaction with stun (don't know about disarm)
where the heat won't go down even though the Stardust is not firing. Don't know if that is intentional or not.
+0 / -0
5 days ago
A flea will probably take 2 stardust shots, and will barely deplete stardust. 5 to 10 seconds is a long time for stardust to fire. It will still have lost of ammo left over for the rest of the fleas, further more, like picket, the reload timer is for each ammo. If they keep throwing fleas one at a time, the first shots will already be reloaded. If they use an assault, it will deplete the stardust; however, that is the point. It will also allow stardust to be fully loaded when built.
+0 / -0

4 days ago
What if you turned it into a heatray weapon? There aren't currently any defenses that have just a heatray, and it could work since most assaults have more range than raiders. Not sure if it makes sense, but it is an idea.
+2 / -0
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