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Ask me about the deep hidden context of my weirdest comments.

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I'll elaborate on the strangest of comments I've made in the past, here. Ask me anything. (I will explain how each of my comments have been relevant to Zero-K.)
+1 / -4

"Ask me about the deep hidden context of my weirdest comments."

Please tell me about the deep hidden context of your weirdest comments... =D

also dont worry people dont go around thinking about it.. there minds are not revolving on you.. there here to play games.. but if you do feel the need to speak your mind thats ok too.. just remember its mostly for you in this case and probably not for others unless you offended them.. but if your really haunted by the past and are convinced you said strange things that people may hold over you then if you feel its needed ask an admin to help you change your name in a private message.

btw you did not seem that wierd.. really i have met some dangerous strange people.. people who take eggs for a walk.. or have like a room full of dolls that look like them with there own human hair.. so..

and even they seemed ok for a brief chat =D lol

you dont come across as crazy.. but this is a place to play games so thats the path of least resistance
+0 / -0

44 days ago
... I guess the community is divided then: Some people count me crazy, others find me insightful. Now I know why I'm going crazy by listening to everyones' opinions.

That being said, if there are no highlights for my "wildest" of comments, then I have to pick my own... which is going to be harder. (It'll take me more time.)
+1 / -5
44 days ago
i have a nagging feeling i shouldnt get that involved with this.. but..

you could try to shift your focus away from negatives and towards possitives such as a stable activity like playing a video game. as a kind of like meditation.

its almost as if you want people to talk about this stuff.. but im not sure people are here for that.
+1 / -0

44 days ago
shh. i'm thinking.
+1 / -5

43 days ago
... I guess the community is divided then: Some people count me crazy, others find me insightful.

I guess the second group consists of psychologists.

+1 / -0
just dont divide the community by zero-k

you cant divide by 0 it causes errors
+8 / -0

39 days ago
I guess the community is divided then: Some people count me crazy, others find me insightful.

There is a third "group", under the assumption that at least someone here shares my view: I think you are neither of these, I think you are someone trying to be funny and get attention. If this is the case, try another strategy, because you seemingly ended up annoying many people here.
It does not really help that you (again, seemingly) mostly treat communication as a one-way road. Neither that you are so rarely logged in and taking part of the game itself, because that gives of the impression of an "outsider" that is just here to thread-spam the forum.

I do not know you as a person, so I do not know if you do all of this intentionally or if you do not understand how your internet persona appears to other people. You might be a nice and funny person IRL, again, I don't know.

Thats probably (and hopefully) the last time I feel the need to care for you in one way or another. I will still cling to my motto of "when in doubt, don't assume malicious intend, but misunderstanding." Please don't make me regret taking this stance.
+1 / -0

35 days ago
Actually, I just checked the list of my downvoted posts. Most of my irritation came from USrankStuart98's senseless downvotes. Without his downvotes, I'd feel at peace. So, I wrongfully casted shade on all strong players for Stuart's repeated, hidden sin.
+1 / -1
USrankCliver5 stop harassing other users. This is an instruction from a moderator.
+3 / -1
Aquanium. I forgave PLrankOrfelius. Why is it that you do not forgive me, AUrankAdminAquanim? If you cannot forgive me for my weakness, then you will not be forgiven for not forgiving PLrankOrfelius either, @Aquanium.
+1 / -2
forgive me if im wrong regarding the forgiving of forgiveness but i dont think anyone is not forgiving you for forgiving..

iv never heard of somone being banned for being forgiving

this part here:

Stuart98's senseless downvotes. Without his downvotes, I'd feel at peace. So, I wrongfully casted shade on all strong players for Stuart's repeated, hidden sin.

ill help you understand some english words that may be possibly interpreted as hostile even if you do not intend to allay malice:

senseless (cant be understood ~ undermining)
Without his (blame)
I'd feel at peace (emotional blame)
strong players (private club compliment) .. it needs to be clear your also calling stuart a strong player
"for" (a linking word but in this context it conveys blame by linking your "wrongdooing" to stuarts actions)
repeated (acusitory ~ victim despite tollerance)
hidden (acusitory ~ deceitful)
sin (act of evil ~ this varies allot.. but.. elevatated authority (GOD) ~ immorral to question (innate wisdom))

and here are the words in order that cannot cause problems on there own:

Stuart98's downvotes. downvotes, So, I wrongfully casted shade on all Stuart's

its interesting that wrongfully is not concidered hostile despite the words nature since its judgment directed towards yourself

if you take the letters from the words that are not hostile and divide them from the total number of letters as a %:

174 / 103​ × 100 = 59.2%

we can see that your post was posibly 59.2% hostile perhaps by accidental misuse of the english language and Aquanim then warned you to let go and move forward.
+0 / -0
Why is it that you do not forgive me (...)

Thats a walking red flag. Threatening people because they don't forgive you is exactly WHY they should not do so.
+2 / -0
34 days ago
@ katastrophe. it is indeed a red flag but i personaly feel that its better if possible to forgive others even if they cannot do so themselves. in a way forgiveness can free ourself as it alows somone to detach and de-entangle from others. remaining angry is in a small way keeping them relivant and in focus and preventing forgetting. ignoring can be achieved when they can nolonger affect you. preventing others from negativly affecting you is the hard part as some will go to great leangths to not be forgotten.

forgiving others is not the same as liking what they are doing or have done.. you do not have to like things to forgive others.. you simply move the anger away from the name onto the actions and then put in place measures to prevent said actions further affecting you.

many times this will not work in practice since those who offend us can be persistant and inconciderate.

TLDR: you dont have to listen to me =D but... if you can forgive.. then do forgive.. even if they dont forgive you back.
+0 / -0

33 days ago
i personaly feel that its better if possible to forgive others even if they cannot do so themselves.

Yes, if you ignore any context, for example:

If you cannot forgive me for my weakness, then you will not be forgiven for not forgiving PLrankOrfelius either, @Aquanium.

How often did we have that discussion now?
+0 / -0
33 days ago
i dont know the right things to do but i had hoped to contrast cliver5's weaponisation of forgiveness:

"then you will not be forgiven for not forgiving "

its in my own power to forgive and understand this world.. but to do so i will have to allow you freedom..
+0 / -0